Chapter 9 Oranges

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In the quiet of Mikey's room, Faye sat by the bed, stripped down to her sports bra, careful not to let her daughter see the blood that still clung to her. Mikey stirred beneath the blanket, her sleepy voice breaking the silence.

"Mama?" she asked, eyes barely open.

"I'm here," Faye replied softly, adjusting the blanket over her daughter. She gently brushed a lock of hair from Mikey's face.

"Missed you," Mikey mumbled, her eyes already closing again.

"How was your day with the nanny?" Faye asked, ruffling the little girl's hair, hoping to steer the conversation into calmer waters.

"I almost ditched her," Mikey said, cracking one eye open slightly.

Faye's hand paused mid-air, caught off guard by the answer. "Did you?" she asked, trying to keep her voice neutral.

"She's not so smart. I was coming to help you..." Mikey said with a small, sleepy smirk, her eyes closing again.

Faye's body stiffened at the words. Help me? "In Dijon?" Faye asked, trying to mask the worry creeping into her voice. How did she know I was in Dijon?

Mikey yawned, stretching beneath the blanket. "Adam always inputs the GPS coordinates... the night before." She yawned again, snuggling deeper into her pillow.

Heh, like mother like daughter, Faye thought, a flicker of amusement crossing her face. "You little devil."

Mikey wasn't done. "And Nicky said—"

Faye cut her off, her voice now more alert. "When have you been talking to Nicky?"

"He was talking to Val, but I listened. I pay attention," Mikey replied, her tone casual.

Faye couldn't help but feel a small swell of pride. "I know you do," she said, a hint of admiration in her voice.

"But Yoko wouldn't let me go. She caught me and brought me back," Mikey continued, rubbing her eyes, now half-asleep again.

Faye smiled, her expression softening. "...Is that so?" she murmured, her eyes drifting toward the door where Yoko had fallen asleep, exhausted but still vigilant.

Looks like I owe Yoko one, Faye thought, feeling a mix of gratitude and relief.

Faye was about to stand up when she felt a small tug on her hand. Mikey, eyes still closed but holding on tightly, whispered, "Are you going away again?"

Faye sat back down, squeezing Mikey's tiny hand to reassure her. "Not for a bit. I'll be here when you wake up," she said, her voice full of warmth and truthfulness.

"Mkay," Mikey mumbled, her grip on her mother's hand softening as sleep started to take over. "Tomorrow, can we do the—?"

Faye smiled, already knowing exactly what Mikey meant. "Of course," she said softly, her voice filled with affection.

Satisfied, Mikey let out a contented sigh and drifted back into sleep, her hand still loosely holding onto Faye's.

Faye gently slipped her hand from her daughter's small grip, careful not to wake her. She stood up quietly, casting one last glance at Mikey, who was now peacefully asleep, hugging her duck plushie close.

With soft, measured steps, Faye walked out of the room, the door clicking shut behind her as she carefully turned the handle to avoid making noise. Once outside, she leaned against the door for a moment, letting out a quiet sigh. The weight of the day, and the danger she constantly faced, hung heavy on her shoulders. But for now, she had the peace of knowing Mikey was safe.

The Nanny // Faye Yoko AUWhere stories live. Discover now