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2 weeks later

There was still no message from her. I had called and called and no answer. She must have blocked my number because why was there still no word from her.

I really hoped it wasn't the kissed that scared her away but that was the only reason I could think of. We had fucking kissed and that had been one of the only times I had felt something after my parents death. That and doing drugs.

I had tried so hard these past weeks not to but I felt so free when I did and I just couldn't stop. It stopped my thoughts, the ones I didn't want. The ones I have in times like these. Early mornings laying in bed.

But I need to not fail school so I force myself out of bed, I throw on my uniform, brush my teeth and check my phone for any texts from her.

Seeing nothing I walk down the stairs into the kitchen where I find Aidan eating toast. At my kitchen table. How he got inside, no one will know.

"Hey lad." He stand up and claps me on the back.

"No Oscar today?" I look around confused.

"Nah he's with Tilly." Tilly being the girl he's been in love with since the moment he saw her. Everyone knows it because everyone can see the way he looks at her.

"Can't believe we're being replaced for a girl." I huff out.

Aidan laughs. "Don't be so quick to judge. Soon you'll leave me for her and I'll be all alone." He fake wipes away tears.

"I'm not so sure about that."

"What!!" He sounds outraged. "We all see the way you two look at each other."

"And that reminds me, when we see her today I wanna have a real conversation her and you know become friends because you two will date." He says exaggerating the fact we'll date.

"Whatever." I push him towards the door. "We have to go or we'll be late."

"Wouldn't want to be late after two week of suspension would we Mr lynch?" He puts his best teacher voice on.

"Shut up."


"I don't think you deserve the right to free speech." I say to Aidan as we're getting out of his car.

"All I was saying is the coconut adds flavour to the chocolate." He getting defensive and it's way too funny.

"That's psychotic." I argue.

"No it's not." He yells at me, turning around the corner.

He suddenly comes back around the corner trying to push me back. " I don't think you should go that way lad."

"Why, did you see her." I try to hide the excitement in my voice but the thought of seeing her again sends a smile to my face.

"Yeah" he lets out a sigh. "But something wrong... just you shouldn't." He racks his hands through his hair, messing it up and that worries me

So I push past him and stop dead in my tracks when I see what he was talking about. My smile falls of my face and my hearts hurts because up ahead of us was Nora. Kissing Connor Smith.

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