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My eyes flutter open and I groan, disappointed that I woke up.

I just had the worst and the best sleep in my life.

The best because of this bed. I sink into it, letting it swallow me whole and because of where I am. I just stayed the night at Tadgh lynch's house. Tadgh lynch's HOUSE!!!!

But the worst because I couldn't stop thinking about how it'll be when I get home. I tried to call last night but nobody answered. It's not that they'll be worried that I wasn't home last night and they didn't know where I was, it's what he'll do if he finds out I stay at a boys house. A boy who isn't connor.

Another thing that kept me up way past midnight was what almost happened last night. I swear we were almost about to kiss. He was leaning in and I was fully prepared too. Even now in the room, I want to smile and giggle to myself about it.

But then his ma almost walked in so we didn't.

There is light streaming in through the curtains so I imagine that it's not too early to get out of bed. I get up, already missing being in the bed and go to the bathroom that's connected to the room.

I stand in front of the mirror hating what I see. My body still wasn't skinny enough and I bet that if I stood on a scale, it would read well over 50. My ma had drilled it into me that anything over 50 was overweight. But one thing I did like was wearing Tadghs hoodie. It practically engulfed me, ending at almost my knees.

Leaving the bathroom, I softly open the bedroom door ending up in the hallway. Tadhgs door is opposite me and it was slightly open. Leaning closer, I could hear him snoring lightly. I walk down the hall to the stairs leading downstairs.

Walking to the kitchen door, I could hear laughter. Pushing it open, I walk in.

" Good morning Love" Edels cheerful voice breaks through the sounds.

I smile at her. " Morning."

AJ comes running in, almost straight into me.

" Lad watch out" Joey yells, running after him.

" Morning O'brien" He gives me a smile before going to get some food.

His use of my last name makes me frown. It's not that I don't like it. It was my dads last name too but most of all it reminded me of ciarain. When we were younger all his friends would call him O'Brien, apparently it was cool?

" Hey, are you all good Os" Tadgh's voice made me jump. I was too focused on thinking that I didn't even realise he walked in.

" Uhh yeah, I'm grand." I lied to him again.

His face shows me that he's not convinced but he doesn't say anything. He just pulls me along to sit next to him on a bar stool. He's still in his pj's and he's devastatingly handsome. His hair is that messy you can only get when you've just woken up and his voice is slightly groggy. He catches me looking at him and all he does is give me a grin and wink. I turn away, my cheeks redding.

Aofies voice gives me a much needed distraction. " So when are you going to go home?"

" I think soon?" I look over at Tadgh and he nods.

" Yeah after we eat some breakfast" He confirms.

I still. I can't eat even more food. I had enough food at dinner, more than I should have had and I was already overweight. If I eat more then it's just going to make it worse. I turn to Tadgh.

" Ummm I'm actually not that hungry" Him and Joey share a look that I can't decipher.

" But you only ate one slice for dinner last night" He remarks.

" I wasn't that hungry then either" I was lying through my teeth now. I was starving and had been since yesterday morning.

" Here kid, why don't you try to eat this" Joey hands me an apple to eat.

I just stared at the apple. He stands there looking at me suspiciously. I feel uncomfortable with them watching me so I take a little bite. I chew and swallow, wanting to throw up. I look back at him and smile, hoping he'll leave me alone now.

" I'm going to go get change before we go." Tadgh nods and then carries on with eating his breakfast.

I walk up the stairs and in the room. Grabbing my school uniform, I change into it. I keep his hoodie on though using the cold as an excuse.

I left the room and almost run right into a hard chest that was standing in front of my door.

"Shit." I stumbled back but his hands were quickly placed around my waist, keeping me standing.

"Oh shit sorry, didn't see you there" he apologised.

" Are you ready to go?" He asks, looking me over. His eye hovering on his hoodie on me.

" Yup." I pull him along, down to the front door.

" We're leaving now." Tadgh calls out to the rest of the house and chorus of bye from the rest of them.

Now it's his turn to grab my hand and pull me along.


The walk to my house was filled with laughter and smiles that I hadn't shown anyone since my da died. And then a feeling of sadness when we got to my house.

" Well it looks like I won't be seeing you for a while, 2 weeks" He groans, probably wondering where he went wrong in life.

" Well I only have one week." I say triumphantly.

" Yeah, yeah very funny." I just laugh at him.

I look at my house, knowing that I probably need to go inside.

" Okay, I should probably go now." His face flashes with a sad look but it's only there for a second before it's gone.

" So bye Tadhg." He looks like he's deep in thought, contemplating about something.

I turn to walk away but Tadhg hand around my waist stops me. He pulls me around so that I'm facing him. He takes a step closer and tucks a strand of my loose hair behind my ear.

" So about last night." He reminds me about our almost kiss. I bite back a smile.

" Yes?." I almost laughed, feeling more confident around him.

" Well I was wondering if you want to continue." He says sheepishly.

I nod, giving him the confirmation that he needed. He stepped even closer, grabbing me and gently lowering his lips to mine.

He starts softly, waiting for me to kiss him back. I lean up on my tiptoe so he can deepen the kiss. We stay like this for a minute or two and then he breaks the kiss, smiling against my lips. I smile too.

" Well I will send you on your way" He looks at my lips, looking like he wants to kiss me again but stops himself.

" Goodbye Os"

" Goodbye Tadgh the tiger" He laughs at the name.

I turn away, walking up to the door and smiling to myself the whole way. Unlocking the door I look over my shoulder. Smiling at tadgh as my form of a goodbye before steeping inside, closing it behind me.

I take my shoes off, going to walk up the stairs to my room but before I can, a hand slaps across me face, causing me to fall against the wall.

" Who the fuck was that and why are you wearing his hoodie" His sharp voice causes the smile to fall off my face.

He picks me up, throwing me into the stairs. A sharp pain flashed through my body and a tear falls down my cheek.

No, he was going to hurt me and it wasn't going to be just a little this time.

Word count: 1298

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