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The voice of steel grinding on the rocky field made everyone turn back.

She stood there, wrapped in green her new favourite attire. her face glowed from the night before, her eyes big and covered in kohl, her head glistened with red, her long hair braided.

She stood there in between all the soldiers who fell to their knees in respect for the Queen. The king looked back as well, he got off his horse and walked up to his wife.

"Shadow" he said, her other name flowing through his lips like tender wine on one's tongue. Smoothly.

"I didn't—" he tried to explain, as to why he didn't wake her up, why didn't he ask her to come here, because she understood as well. She raised her hand in front of him, quieting him down.

She walked further ahead, where the front lines were face to face with the enemy. Face to face with her wretched father.

"You decided to get on my territory, decided to terrorize my land. But I will be the one who decided who will get off of it." She bellowed pointing her sword in the direction of her father. Who smiled smugly, sitting atop a horse. His horse neighed, and looked around uneasily, throwing away the balance his master had put on him.

"I would love to see a woman fight" Devasya spat out.

Ada sat on top of her horse marching it forward, "You should have taken my advice. Should have left when I gave you the chance. Father" she sneered, whispering to the king of Kanva.

"I will kill you, bleed you out on my mother land. And then I will make sure even the insects can't touch your body. You will die and disintegrate and nobody will even pay homage to a dick like you" she hissed. Circling her horse around his, his soldiers closing in to her. She glared every single one of them, galloping back to her place.

She hid her face in her Dupatta and some of her soldiers gasped out of recognition. Some of hers, some of theirs. And soon the information spread.

The Shadow was her. The queen was the Shadow.

"Let this war begin. And I pray to the one above that this is the last one." Ranvijay yelled.

"Har Har Mahadev!" the soldiers yelled.

And then two hundred thousand men drew swords for a war they would not win.

But her, she was getting all the thrill from the enemies predetermined defeat.

The Shadow

Being in a war was only a dream. Killing men without thinking someone would see me, that there are women who put their lives out for the men that I kill.

Here on this field everyone is here to get killed, die an honest death.

I killed everyone of these nasty creatures that I saw. Some retreated back seeing the shine of my sword. Some were dumb enough to attack my back.

"Shouldn't have tried to threaten Father" I heard a voice, a young voice. I turned around to find my half brother staring back at me.

"Why? He cried at night from fear?" I smirked, my sword still pointing towards him, but I had no intention to use it.

"Go away Akshath. Live. Listen to your older sister" I tell him, softening my time. "Sister? You are nobody to me" he said, flexing his jaw. His eyes were like mine, just they were filled with competition and a will to win.
Mine were filled with vengeance and revenge.

"Go away Akshath. Don't get killed because of your father's stupidity" I said lowering my sword a little. Trying to gain his trust.

"You think I am a child?" he yelled, lunging towards me, crashing our swords, "Yes" she yelled back.

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