Chapter 2

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after i finish my homework i walk to my bed & lying down & take a nap it been a long day for me i am not hungry for dinner when dad notes that i am not there he get mad but i don't care i took a nap. a hour later i felt a hand on my check i open my eyes & i see dad there siting on my bed

Christian: hey sleepy head

my dad said

Phoebe: *whisper* hi

i said sleepy

Phoebe: sorry i didn't eat dinner i was not that hungry

i said he laugh a little

Christian: it's fine 

he said 

Christian: there is left overs when you are hungry

dad said when he get up

Phoebe: thank dad

i said he smiled & he walk out of my room. i look at the clock and i see it's 10 it's getting late i should go to bed i get into my covers and go to sleep 

{bad Dream}

{i woke up in a red room i got up from the floor and look around the room i see ropes & belt on the walls then i see a woman lying down on the table naked i look at the woman to see who it was it's my mother i was shock what i am seeing then i see a man walking out the white room he is wearing jeans & a dark shirt with a belt on his hand i walk closer to them then i realizes it's my father then he whip the belt on my mother "NO!" i said i run up to him then he hit me & i fell to the ground}

{bad dream end}

i woke up & i sit up & look around to see where i am & i look at my clock & it's 4 am should i get up or should i miss it i'm going to skip it & go back to sleep. i woke up & it's 6:30 am i get up & took a shower & wash my hair & think about that dream i have i got out the shower & go to my closet to see what to where i pick a outfit & i got dress i walk downstairs to the kitchen & see Theodore eating his breakfast i walk up to him

Phoebe: where is mom & dad

i said as i sit down & grab my breakfast

Theodore: i think they are still sleeping

he said

Phoebe: oh

i said then i herd foot steps i look to see who it was mom & dad & i can tell they were making out because mom hair is a mess & dad is wearing no shirt

Phoebe: good morning to you to mom & dad

i said

Ana: morning sweaty

mom said as she grab her breakfast & so does dad & they sit down

Phoebe: oh look at the time i go to school bye mom bye dad

i said as i get up & grab my bag & i walk out 

Theodore: ya me too see ya mom & dad

he said & walk out the door. at school i am at my locker & i see my friend walk up to me

Bonnie: hey Phoebe

she said & i turn to face her

Phoebe: hey Bonnie

i said

Bonnie: look what i got

Bonnie said

Phoebe: what?

i said she give me a card

Phoebe: what's this

i said

Bonnie: is a invitation to your grandparent to their ball

Bonnie said then i look up

Phoebe: ball!?

i said then i look down

Phoebe: my parents never told me there is a ball

i said the Bonnie put her hands on her mouth

Bonnie: OMG i am so sorry

Bonnie said 

Phoebe: it's ok ill talk to my dad about it

i said & i give back the card to Bonnie

Bonnie: ok will see you in class

Bonnie said & she walk away

Phoebe: see ya

i said & i walk to my next class. at lunch i grab my laptop & email to dad


From: Phoebe Grey

Subject: Why you didn't tell me

To: Christian Grey

I find out that there is going to be a ball at grandparents house did you know about this!!!


From: Christian Grey

Subject: About that

To: Phoebe Grey

I forgot to tell you


From: Phoebe Grey

Subject: Forgot?

To: Christian Grey

Then why did they give out the invitation now because it said that the ball with be in 2 moths


From: Christian Grey

Subject: IDK

To: Phoebe Grey

I don't know maybe they went to send it out earily


From: Phoebe Grey

Subject: ok

To: Christian Grey

ok i have to go to my next class see you when i get home xoxo


From: Christian Grey

Subject: Bye

To: Phoebe Grey

Later Sweaty xo


i close my laptop & go to my next class             

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