Chapter 5

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Few week later dad keep on calling, text & email & i never call text or email him because i am scared, sad & mad at him i am afraid that he will hurt me but my few week is up i pack my bags & i called Taylor to pick me up at Bonnie house i said goodbye to bonnie & i go out & see Taylor waiting for me he walk up to me & grab my bags & put them in the trunk & i get into the car & i grab my iPod & play *Love me like you do* it's my favorite song it help me clam down i text mom if dad home she text me no that is good because i am not in a mood to talk to him right now. When i got home i grab my bags & i walk inside & mom is home she run up to me and hug me

Ana: i am so happy that you are home

mom said

Phoebe: ya me too mom

i said & she let go of me

Phoebe: i am going to unpack

i said & i walk upstairs to my room when i walk in my room has not change it's still the same as i left it. After i finish unpacking i go to my brother room i go in & i see him playing video game

Phoebe: you always played video games

i said & he pause the game & look up & see me he got up & rush up to me & hug me

Theodore: oh thank god you are back

he said & i hug him back

Phoebe: i only been away for a few week Theodore

i said to him & i go sit on his bed then he sit on his chair

Theodore: so i guess you find out

he said

Phoebe: what do you mean?

i said to him & i look at him & shock

Phoebe: YOU KNEW!!!

i shout at him then he nod

Phoebe: you knew all this time & you never told

i said to him

Theodore: i promise dad not to tell you

he said & i laugh a little

Phoebe: of corset he did

i said

Theodore: you know you can't be mad at him forever

he said

Phoebe: i know is just not sure if i should forgive him

i said

Theodore: he is our father Phoebe you can't just be mad at him forever

he said and i got up

Phoebe: i get it ill see you at dinner

i said & i walk out & i herd a door close at the front doors i look to see who it was & it's my dad i quickly go to my room before my dad see me i lock my door & i grab my book & start to read. A few min later i herd someone tried to open my door i got up from my bed & walk slowly to my door

Phoebe: who is it

i said but no one answered & i finger out who it's

Phoebe: dad you are not coming in here

i said dad sigh

Christian: honey i know you are scared

he said

Phoebe: I'm mad, sad & scared dad

i said

Christian: can we just talk about this

dad said

Phoebe: not tonight

i said dad took a deep breath

Christian: ok

he said & go downstairs i sit down on the floor & cry i don't know what to do

the next day i pack my bag for school i go downstairs & see dad playing dart bored then dad see me

Maid: Phoebe do you need anything

the maid said

Phoebe: nothing

i said i walk pass dad to the front door but then dad throw a little arrow at me i turn myhead

Phoebe: what the hell

i said to dad

Phoebe: you could of hit me

i said to dad

Christian: i never miss

he said & walk up to me

Christian: & now you ignore me now sense you find out-

i interrupt him

Phoebe: about you & i am i don't want to talk about this

i said & i walk out but then dad follow me

Christian: we need to talk about this

dad said

Phoebe: um no we don't

i said walking to the car


dad shout at me i stop walking & turn around & face him

Phoebe: what is it

i said

Christian: I'm sorry ok i didn't want this to happened i don't know how you find out i was going to tell you

he said

Phoebe: when you were going to tell me?

i said waiting for his answer

Christian: when you were 18

he said i am in shock he was going to tell me when i am 18

Phoebe: then how Theodore find out then

i said dad put his hands throw his hair

Phoebe: dad tell me NOW!!!

i said

Christian: when he was a kid

he said Oh My God i am in shock again

Phoebe: Wow dad Wow

i said & i grab the door handy but dad stop me i look up

Christian: what can i do for you to forgive me

he said i think for a min

Phoebe: tell me everything

i said he let go of the door handy & i get in & Taylor drive me to school.

During lunch at school i got a email from dad


From: Christian Grey

Subject: Everything

To: Phoebe Grey

ill tell you everything

oh great i better get ready for a long talk                            

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