Chapter 21

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I can't believe it Teddy & Bonnie & she never told me

Phoebe: how long you guys been dating?

I ask

Teddy: about 2 years

Teddy said

Phoebe: & you guys never told me!

I said

Teddy: Bonnie told me not to tell you because you would be mad & you would tell your other friends

Teddy said

Phoebe: Bonnie was my only friend

I said then I put my hand on my mouth

Teddy: what do you mean Bonnie was your only friend

Teddy ask

Phoebe: um nothing

I said

Teddy: no Phoebe tell me

Teddy said I took a deep breath

Phoebe: I don't have any friends Bonie was my only friend after she died some of the mean girls were making fun oof me & they hurt me

I said Teddy is in shock

Teddy: WHAT!!!

Teddy said

Teddy: why you never tell me

Teddy said

Phoebe: I thought they would go away but they are not

I said

Teddy: dose mom and dad know about this

Teddy said I just stayed silent

Teddy: they don't know!

Teddy said I shake my head

Phoebe: I didn't want them involved

I said then Teddy hug me

Teddy: Phoebe you need to tell mom and dad

Teddy said

Phoebe: I can't if I tell them then dad will found another school for me & it will make it worse

I said then Teddy sight 

Teddy: we will tell dad together ok

Teddy said

Phoebe: ok

I said then the ball ringing then me & Teddy went to our next class.

when we got home we told dad about me getting bullied he was in shock then Teddy told him that I went to stayed at that school & he understand & he said that he will talk to the principal. After the talk I was in my room reading a book then I herd a scream I got out the bed & I run into Teddy room

Phoebe: Teddy what wrong

I ask then he hand me a paper I grab it & read it

Phoebe: you got into NYU!

I shout & I hug him then dad run into Teddy room

Christian: what is all screaming about?

dad said I give the paper to dad then dad hug him

Christian: that's my boy

dad said & me & Teddy laughter.

2 days later I am woke by a bad dream I look around to see where I am. I am in my room I got out of the bed & I walk out I didn't want to go to Teddy room so I went to mom & dad room I remember whatever I have a bad dream I just go to Teddy room or I just go to mom & dad & wake up dad & he would take me to the music room or he would take me back to my room & we would talk about my bad dreams but when I open there door they are not in bed where is mom & dad? I close the door & I walk downstairs I go to the kitchen & see miss Jones

Miss Jones: hi Phoebe what are you doing up this early?

she ask

Phoebe: I just woke up & I want to talk to dad but he is not in his room

I said

Miss Jones: oh I forgot to tell you & Teddy that your mother & father are on a meeting then they will be back in the morning

Miss Jones said

Phoebe: oh ok

I said then I walk upstairs then I stop at the Playroom door I have not been in there sense dad show me I put my ear on the door just in case if someone is in there but I don't herd anyone in there so I put my hand on the handle & open the door & I thought the door is lock the door but it's not I walk in & I just look around for a bit then I see the red bed I get on the bed & I lying down & I close my eyes & went to sleep.

I woke up by someone lift me up I open my eyes & it's my dad

Christian: shhh go back to sleep

dad said & I do when dad put me on my bed then dad kiss my head & he walk out & I went back to sleep.           

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