Chapter 4

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When I got home I rush upstairs to my room to put my bag on the floor & I walk downstairs & I go to my dad offices I knock on the door

Christian: come in

Dad said I walk in & I go sit down on the chair & I got nervoes

Phoebe: am i in trouble?

i said to him he didn't say anything & grab something from his drawer & put it on his deck & it's the contract i look at it then to my dad

Phoebe: where did you find that!?

i said scared

Christian: i find it in your drawers

he said & i start to panic i breath throw my mouth & i start to think about that dream & the room then i finger out & i look at my dad & got up & start to step back up then dad got up & start to step closer to me

Christian: sweaty please

dad said tried to touch me

Phoebe: no stop

i said & punch him & i run out & i run upstairs to my room & i slap the door & lying down on my bed crying. i skip dinner i lying on my bed crying nod stop at night i still crying then i herd a door open i don't see who it was i herd foot step & sit on my bed

Christian: please don't hate me

dad said i sniff

Phoebe: i just can't believe you do that

i said to him

Phoebe: i am not what you want

i said to him

Christian: no your everything that i want

he said i didn't say anything a min later

Phoebe: i need you to leave

i said to him & he dose not move

Phoebe: please

i said then he got up & walk slow then open the door then he close the door then i start to cry

the next day i pack my bags i text Bonnie last night if i can stayed there for a few weeks & she said yes. after i finish packing i go downstairs with my bags & i see dad siting in the living room i took a breath

Phoebe: ill be staying at my friend house for a few weeks

i said to him

Christian: Taylor will take you

dad said & i nod & i walk to the elevator then i herd foot step coming to me i turn around & see dad coming towers me

Phoebe: stop

i said but dad dose not listen

Phoebe: STOP!

i shout then he stop i step into the elevator & i turn around to face him

Christian: Phoebe

he said

Phoebe: Daddy

then the elevator doors close              

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