Chapter 6

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After school I got a text from dad saying the I need to go to his office for the long talk I get into the car & tell Taylor to go to dads work when we got there I go inside the "GREY HOUSE" & I go in to the elevator when the elevator doors open dad is staying then waiting for me I walk out the elevator dad smiled at me & we walk into his office I sit on a chair & dad sit on his chair

Christian: ask me anything

dad said I took a deep breath

Phoebe: when did you start doing this who teach you?

I ask him

Christian: Miss Robinson

he said

Phoebe: who is Miss Robinson?

I ask him

Christian: her name is Elena

he said and I think

Phoebe: is she the one that hurt you?

I said & he nod oh great this is going to be a long night...

2 month later 1 week before the ball dad tell me everything about his pass & about Miss Robinson I hate her & I don't know if I should go because I don't know if she is going to be there. I was ay home in the library reading a book then mom came in

Ana: there you are I been looking for you

she said as she sit down

Phoebe: I been here reading a book

I said and I close the book and put it down

Phoebe: what is up

Ana: did you find a dress for the ball next week

she said

Phoebe: no & I don't think that I am going

I said

Ana: WHAT! why not you love to go to the ball

she said and I got up and walk to the window

Phoebe: I know I do is just im worried & scared

I said

Ana: worried about what?

she said

I turn around to face her

Phoebe: you know mom

I said and she nod

Phoebe: I'm scared that she might hurt me or blaming me for something

I said & I start to shack mom got up and walk up to me

Ana: look if she is there just ignore her and don't talk to her if she start to talk to you then text me or your father

she said

Phoebe: I know but I am still thinking about it

I said

Ana: ok

she said and she walk out what am I going to do  


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