Chapter 16

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2 days later after my ice skating sectional i feel good but i still feel worried about Bonnie she is still in coma i have not visit her i am too scared to go visit her but at school Isabella has not been bulled me every seance the fire my dad payed the school to fix the school cafeteria. i am at school at my locker then i see my ex coming up to me

Kevin: hey

he said i don't look at him

Kevin: look i know you are mad at me but i am here to say im sorry about your friend Bonnie

he said and i look at him

Kevin: i am not joking i am telling the truth

he said

Phoebe: thank you but i really don't want to talk about it and i know you want us to get back together but now i don't do romance

i said and i close my locker and i go to my next class.

at home i am doing my homework in my room then my cell phone ringing i pick it up

Phoebe: hello, hi miss burn how is Bonnie, i am on my way"

i hung up the phone & i run to Teddy room

Phoebe: Teddy!

i said

Teddy: what wrong Phoebe?

he ask

Phoebe: can you take me to the hospital something is wrong with Bonnie

i said

Teddy: sure

he said & we go to the hospital. when we get to the hospital we go to the waiting room & we see miss Williams she saw us

Miss Burn: hi Phoebe

she said

Phoebe: hi is Bonnie OK

i ask then she look at me & i know what she means

Phoebe: no, no, NO! you are lying

i said

Miss Burn: i wish i wasn't

Miss Burn said i just can't believe it my best friend is dead my only friend i can't even breath i went to cry i thought about the fire & i know that was no accident it's all that stupid, fucker Jack Hyde fault i want to kill him

Phoebe: i have to go

i said then i grab the keys from Teddy hand & i start to walk out the doors then i herd Teddy calling me

Teddy: Phoebe stop right now!

Teddy said but i just keep walking 

Phoebe: i am not stooping i am going to kill that stupid Jack Hyde he kill my best friend

i said & once we are outside we get to the car then Teddy block the door

Teddy: you are not going to kill anyone if you do you will go to jail

Teddy said & i start to cry

Phoebe: i just can't believe she is gone

i said 

Teddy: i know just give me the keys

Teddy said then i give him the keys & i got into the front seat then Teddy got into the driver seat then drive off.

when we got home i just run inside & run upstarts when i was crying then i herd my mom calling me

Ana: honey what wrong?

mom said i ignore her i just run to my room & lying down on my bed & cry.

1 week later Bonnie funeral has pass & it was hard for me to say goodbye to my only friend she was my best friend & i really going to miss her i never go to school because i am to upset to go i have not shower, eating or move from my bed i been crying & i never stop i am lying on my bed then i herd my laptop ping i open my laptop & it's email from my dad


From: Christian Grey

subject: i know

To: Phoebe Grey

sweaty i know how you feel but you have not eating for weeks can you eat something


From: Phoebe Grey

Subject: not in the mood

To: Christian Grey

dad i am really not in the mood i really don't want to talk


i send the email to dad then i close the laptop & i lying back down i herd my laptop ping but i ignore it.

5 days later i am still in bed feel sad i am reading (The Boy In The Striped Pajamas) it's a sad book but i don't care then i herd my door open i look up & it's my mom

Ana: hi honey

mom said i don't say anything mom walk up to me & sit on the edge of the bed 

Ana: you still sad

mom said i nod 

Ana: i have something that i think that will make you smile

mom said & i look up

Ana: you are going to aspen with with Kate, Elliot, Ava & Mia

mom said

Phoebe: i don't want to go

i said

Ana: will you have to go you are leaving tomorrow

mom said

Ava: miss Jones will pack your stuff 

mom said & she walk out.               

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