Chapter 3

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at home i am trying to find my paper for my class & i can't find it so i went downstairs to the living room to ask my mom

Phoebe: mom have you see my papers for my school i can't find it anywhere

i said to mom

Ana: sorry sweaty i don't know

she said

Phoebe: ok thank mom

i said & i walk out & i look in the trash i look & look but i could not find it

Phoebe: wait what that

i said & i see my mom name i pick it up & took it & i go back inside and go upstairs to my room & i open it & i see it look like a contact i see it said my mom & my dad name on there i read it over & over again

Phoebe: OH MY GOD!

i said & i drop the papers & my heart beat so fast i can't believe what my father does i don't even want to talk to him or even look at him i pick the papers up & put in my drawers so my parents won't see it i look at the clock & it's 10 pm i go under my covers & lying down & think about this. the next day i woke & go for my run & think about what happened yesterday should i tell my father that i find the contract or should i not tell him. after my run i run back home & i don't see my dad which is weird i walk in & i skip breakfast i go upstairs to my room & take a shower i can't stop thinking about the contract i need to stop thinking about it. i got out the shower & drive off & get dress i grab my bag & i walk out the door & i get into the car & i go to school. At lunch i get my laptop & i check my email & i have one email from my father


From: Christian Grey

Subject: What wrong

To: Phoebe Grey

Something is wrong with you. you skip breakfast is there something wrong?


i don't know if i should tell him of what i find


From: Phoebe Grey

Subject: Nothing is wrong

To: Christian Grey

I'm fine dad there is nothing wrong :)


i send it to him i don't want to tell him yet ill let him know later. after school i tell Taylor that i am walking home with Bonnie she is my best friend

Bonnie: ok what is going on with you i can tell by your face

Bonnie said as we walk home

Phoebe: I'm fine Bonnie is just family stuff that's all

i said

Bonnie: ok but if you need to get away from your family just call or text me

Bonnie said

Phoebe: thank Bonnie

i said after i drop off Bonnie i walk home. 2 week later  still have not tell my father about the contract it would be scared if he find out about it. i was at school at lunch i got a text from my father

- come home after school into my offices - Dad

he text me

Phoebe: oh no

i am scared right now did he fine the papers, am i in trouble, or something...       

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