Chapter 20

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I feel pain in my head I open my eyes & a bright light shine around the room I look around to see where I am. I am in the hospital & I felt something around my noise I am hoot up to something on my arm I look down & I see dad lying down on his head on the bed holding my hand I try to squeeze his hand & I did then dad lift up his head & look at me

Phoebe: hi

I whisper

Christian: oh thank god

dad said & hug me he hug me to tight

Phoebe: too tight

I whisper then dad let me go

Phoebe: im thirsty

I whisper then dad nod & press a butting

Phoebe: how long I have I been out?

I whisper

Christian: a week

dad said a week oh no what about Teddy

Phoebe: Teddy?!

I ask

Christian: he is fine

dad said oh thank god

Christian: why you didn't tell me

dad said

Phoebe: jack told me not to tell anyone if I did then he would kill Teddy

I said then dad nod

Phoebe: where is jack?

I ask

Christian: he is in different jail he left the hospital 5 days ago before you woke up

dad said then gramma came in she is my doctor

Grace: hi sweaty

gramma said

Phoebe: hi

I said

Grace: how are you feeling?

gramma ask

Phoebe: im ok

I said

Grace: I have the x-ray

gramma said

Christian: good

dad said x-ray? gramma put the paper on the scream

Grace: we have to fix your injured arm again it was broken & we already did it

gramma said

Phoebe: so dose that mean I will never ice skating again

I said

Grace: no you will skate again is just need to be healed

gramma said

Phoebe: oh

I said

Grace: your ribs is burst up so you need to stay home & don't go to school for 2 week

gramma said

Grace: & we need to keep you here over night tomorrow you will go home

gramma said

Phoebe: ok thank gramma

I said gramma smiled then walk out

Phoebe: how did you found me?

I ask

Christian: will I woke up by a scream your mom was not there in bed I got up & walk out & I see your bedroom door is open when I walk in you were not there then I see your mom in your bathroom I run in & see her in shock then I see your hair in the sink then I called Taylor & told him to check the cameos then I walk to Teddy room & he was not there then Taylor call me & he told me that you left with my car

dad said

Phoebe: I didn't hurt your car dad

I said

Christian: I know then we track your cell phone & my car & we got in the car I told your mom to stay home & me & Taylor drive to the same place as Jack almost kill your mom then I herd a gun shot then i run out the car & I run in & see you lying on the floor

dad said

Christian: I thought I lost you

dad said then I put my hand on to his hand

Phoebe: im fine dad

I said

Christian: then why did you cut your hair?

dad ask

Phoebe: I don't know I didn't want jack to pull my hair so I just cut my hair

I said

Phoebe: i kind of like my hair this way

I said then dad smiled

Christian: you should get so rest

dad said

Phoebe: ok

I said I lying back down then I sleep.

the next day dad put me in the car & we drive off. when we got home I got out the car then mom runs up to me & hug me

Ana: I am so happy that you are alright

mom said & I hug her back

Phoebe: me too mom

I said after we hug dad said that I need to take a bath he told me to use there bathroom I don't know why but I don't argue so I went upstairs to mom & dad bathroom I start the walk I took off my clothing & get into the bathtub I wash my hair & my body then I pull my legs up to my chest & I hold them I want to cry but then I herd a door open I don't look up but it was dad & he sit on the floor & I start to cry

Christian: oh sweaty

dad said & he pull me to the side & hold me while I cry

Christian: it's ok, it's ok shhh

dad said & we stay like this for a while.

2 weeks later I am all healed & I am back to normal I am back at school Teddy is better too I am at my locker then Teddy walk up to me

Phoebe: hey Teddy

I said

Teddy: hey are you busy?

Teddy ask

Phoebe: no why?

I ask

Teddy: come with me

Teddy said I follow him to a classroom

Teddy: you need to sit down

Teddy said

Phoebe: ok

I said & I sit down

Teddy: ok umm I have some things to tell you

Teddy said

Teddy: is something that I been keeping from you

Teddy said

Phoebe: ok Teddy you are scaring me but what wrong

I ask

Teddy: ok here goes umm remember 2 years ago you introduce to your best friend Bonnie

Teddy said

Phoebe: ya

I said

Teddy: will me & Bonnie start talking & talking then we end it up dating

Teddy said


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