Chapter 18

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Taylor drop me off at 'Grey House' I walk in 7 I go to the elevator I walk in the elevator once the elevator is on the level of dad office I walk out & I walk to dad office door I took a deep breath & I knock on the door

Christian: come in

I herd dad & I open the door & I see dad looking out the window & I walk to the chair near dad office table & I sit down & dad turn around & put his both hands on the table

Phoebe: please don't be mad at me

I said & I look down

Christian: I am so fucking mad at you why you never fucking tell me that you are back on ice skating

dad shout at me

Phoebe: what am I support to say dad if I told you that I want to be back to skating you would not let me do it

I shout

Christian: you will hurt your arm again

Dad said

Phoebe: my arm is fully healed

I shout

Christian: you are not going to skat again

Dad said

Phoebe: you can't do that

I said

Christian: oh yes I can it seams I can't trust you

Dad said I took a deep breath

Phoebe: will seams I can't trust a Dominant father

I shout & I got up & I run out I open the door & shut the door hard I run to the elevator when I got in the elevator I put my hand on my mouth & cry I can't believe I say that to dad it look like me & dad are not going to talk for a while.

1 week later me and dad are still not talking it really made me sad of him not talking to me after national I am done ice skating for god I am at school when I close my locker Teddy is standing there

Teddy: you are not quiting skating

Teddy said

Phoebe: oh Teddy

I said & I start to walk Teddy follow me

Teddy: you are not it doesn't matter our dad is not talking to you

Teddy said I turn around to face him

Phoebe: it doesn't matter Teddy I need dad talk to me after national I am not skating anymore

I said

Teddy: let me talk to dad

Teddy said

Phoebe: talking is not going to do anything if you talk to him then he still tell me not to do skating in order of dad talk to me again I have to quit skating end of discussion

I said then I walk out to the car & I got in & Teddy got in & Taylor drive of.

2 month later I am at national & my family is here gramma, grampa, aunt Kate, uncle Elliet, aunt Mia, grampa Ray, Great-granma (Ana's mother), mom & Teddy & there is one person is not there is dad he still not talking to me. He has not talking to me for 2 months I am in the changes room & I herd a door open & aunt Mia come in

Mia: you may it

Mia said I smiled & hug her

Phoebe: ya I just can't believe it

I said

Mia: you don't have to be nervous

Mia said

Phoebe: I know I did this before

I said & Mia smiled

Mia: so where is Christian I have not see him is he coming?

Mia ask & I took a deep breath

Phoebe: me and dad have not talk for 2 mouths Mia

I said & Mia is in shock

Mia: oh I'm so sorry

Mia said

Phoebe: it's ok

I said

Mia: I'll let you get dress good luck

Mia said & she walk out

Phoebe: thank

I said & I get dress. After I got dress I walk out & the speaker call my name & I go on the ice

(She is whering that and her hair is like that and she fell on her unjerd arm at 01:53 - 02:07 prtanded that Christian siting in the crown)

{When I was skating when I sping I see someone siting in the crown I stop spinging & it was my dad I am in shock that he is here he smiled at me and I smiled back then I go back to skating}

After I finish skating I got off the ice & my family runs up to me they char and hug me then I see dad walking up & I walk to him I smiled at him

Christian: I am such an idiot I should of listen to you

Dad said

Phoebe: it not your fault dad

I said

Christian: I am the worst father

Dad said & I look at him

Phoebe: your the best father that I could ever ask for

I said & dad smiled

Phoebe: and you know what else dad

I said & dad look at me

Phoebe: I am Dominant & Submissive in this family in the outside I am just a normal girl

I said & dad laugh a little

Phoebe: & remember dad you are fifty shades of fucked up

I said & dad hug me and I hug back

Teddy: come on Phoebe the border is up

Teddy said & I run up to the border & find my name

Phoebe: I am in.....

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