Chapter 12

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The next day after school I told Taylor that I need to stay after school for homework but I lied I ashelly want to go to the hockey place that has ice so I walk to Seattle town & I know that dad is going to be mad but I Need to see ice so I find one & I walk in & there is no one there so I want on the ice I walk to the middle of the ice & I close my eyes & took a deep breath & think about that all the people are sitting on there seat & they are clapping for me & they are screaming my name I smiled then I herd someone shouting

???: I knew it

Someone said I open my eyes & turn to see who it was. It's Teddy I smiles then Teddy run down & goes on the ice & come up to me

Teddy: I knew you miss it

Teddy said

Phoebe: I do is just

I said

Teddy: just what?

Teddy said

Phoebe: I am afraid that I might hurt my arm again

I said Teddy sigh

Teddy: Phoebe you are all fix once the stiches come out which it has you can go back to skating

Teddy said

Phoebe: I know & I told you, mom & dad that I am taking a break till I desied to go back skating

I said

Teddy: but you have not been on skating for 1 year

Teddy said

Phoebe: I know

I said Teddy give me a look

Teddy: so dose that mean...

Teddy said

Phoebe: no I am still thinking about it
I said

Teddy: ok if you say yes I am going to be your coach

Teddy said I look at him

Phoebe: what!

I said

Teddy: that is right

Teddy said

Phoebe: you can't be my coach you are 18

I said

Teddy: ok I can be your coach brother

Teddy said I laugh

Phoebe: ill let you know

I said Teddy nod

Phoebe: ok come on we have to go home before dad find out

I said & we go home.

it been 2 weeks & I have made up my maid after school I ask Taylor to go to 'Grey Polishing' where my mom works Taylor drop me off there I walk in & see Hannah

Phoebe: hey Hannah is mom busy?

I ask

Hannah: no she is not ill call her & let her know that you are here

she said

Phoebe: thank you

I said & I go up to the elevator to my mom office once I got to mom office mom is facing the window & talking to someone on the phone

Ana: ya, that is fine, we can do that, ok thank you

she hung up the phone & turn around & see me

Ana: hi sweaty heart how was school

mom ask & she walk over to me & hug me I hug back

Phoebe: it was good

I said

Phoebe: the reason I came here is because I want to ask you something

I said & I sit down & she sit by her deck

Ana: what is it sweaty

mom ask I took a deep breath

Phoebe: mom I been thinking about something for the pass 2 week

I said & mom is listening

Phoebe: I want to go back to skating

I said & mom is looking at me shock   


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