Chapter 7 part 1

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It's the day of the ball & I am still not going my mom, Theodore & dad tried to talk me in to change my mind but it doesn't work. I am at school at my locker getting my bags then Bonnie runs up to me

Bonnie: Phoebe!

she said I look at her

Phoebe: hey was up

I said & she look mad or sad

Bonnie: I just herd by your brother that you are not going to the ball

she said

Phoebe: that's right

I said & I start to walk Bonnie follow me

Bonnie: why this is going to be the biggest ball of our life you have to come

Bonnie said I turn around

Phoebe: look Bonnie is some family stuff going on that is all ill call you later

I said & I walk out the door & go to the car. when is night time mom, Theodore & dad are getting ready for the ball & I am in my room doing my homework then I herd my door open I look up & see dad he is wearing his suit

Phoebe: Handsome dad like always

I said

Christian: thank sweaty

dad said & he look at me

Phoebe: no dad that look is not going to change my mind

I said 

Christian: I know but if you-

I interrupted him

Phoebe: I know dad

I said

Christian: ok will we need to go so have fun don't do anything stupid

 dad said

Phoebe: I won't dad

I said he give me a kiss on my head & walk out I walk to the window & see mom, Theodore & dad getting in the car & drive away I start to sing (play the song) after I finish sing I herd a door rings I run to the front door & see

Phoebe: Ava! what are you doing here you are support to be at the ball with your parents

I said & she walk in

Ava: I am here to get you ready to go to the ball

she said & I start to think and I close the door

Phoebe: let me guess my mom called your mom & she tell you to come here to change my mind

I said & she look at me

Ava: wow you are smart

she said I walk to the living room she follow me & I sit on the couch

Ava: look I know why you are not going to the ball

she said & I look up

Phoebe: how did you know

I said

Ava: my mom told me

she said

Phoebe: oh

I said

Ava: Phoebe you don't have to be scared of her if you are scared of her she wins but if you go to the ball she lose

she said I start to think

Phoebe: ok

I said

Ava: ok what?

she said

Phoebe: ill go to the ball

I said she jump up and down

Ava: perfect now let get you dress

she said and pull me

Phoebe: wait

I said

Ava: what?

she said

Phoebe: I don't have a dress

I said she smiled

Ava: will you should go to your parents closet

she said

Phoebe: why?

I said

Ava: oh just go

she said I turn around & run upstairs to my parents room and go to their closet and I see one dress that I see it's a blue & grey dress my favorite colour I see the pries tag & it was 500.000$

Phoebe: oh daddy

this dress is so beautiful with dimes then Ava comes in

Ava: OMG Phoebe that dress is so beautiful

she said

Phoebe: I know

I said

Ava: will what are you waiting for get dress

she said and she walk out I got dress and put on the dress and my shoes I walk out & see Ava with her make up

Ava: now let me make you beautiful

she said

after she finish my hair and put on make up on me she told me to open my eyes I open my eyes and see my hair is on the side

Phoebe: OMG Ava I love it

I said and I hug her

Ava: you are welcome now let go to the ball

 she said

Phoebe: let go

I said we walk out the door & we got into the limo 

( if you want to see phoebe dress click the right aero of the video  )

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