Chapter 17

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3 weeks later after the vacation at aspen it been fun at first I didn't want to go but it turn out to be fun it made me happy again but I need to move on Bonnie want me to do that. And now I am going to Regionals for ice skating I am really nerves because if I win regionals then I am going to nationals I am waiting for the speaker calling my name

Teddy: you will do great just think about the sectionals

Teddy said

Phoebe: I know

I said then I herd my name calling & I go on the ice (watch the video she is wearing that dress and her hair is like that)

after I finish skating I got off the ice then Teddy run up to me & hug me

Teddy: you did amazing Phoebe

Teddy said

Phoebe: thank Teddy

I said & I go sit down. After all the skaters are finish skating we went to the bond to see who is going to nationals I go to the bond to look for my name

Phoebe: OMG! I am in first place again I am going to nationals

I said then Teddy lift me up & spins me around

Teddy: you did it

Teddy said & I laughs.

when me & Teddy got home I just leave my skates in Teddy car so my dad won't see them when we walk inside mom is still at work & dad will pick her up then dad walk out his study then see me & Teddy

Christian: were have you been you two?

dad ask I look at Teddy

Teddy: we were on the school trip we got stuck in traffic so that is why we are late

Teddy said

Christian: oh ok will ill be picking up mom ill be back

dad said & he walk out then I go upstairs to my room when I open the door then I turn on the lights then my room is destroyed my bed is rip, glass on the floor, the window is shattered, my jewelry is on the floor I walk to my closet & all my clothing is rips & I walk to my merrier & then is a message on the merrier 'I am watching you' with red lipstick on it then I scream then I herd someone running upstairs then I see Taylor run in I look up & Taylor is in shock then grab his phone and call someone I don't know who bit I look down & I see a photo shattered with a broken glass I pick it up & it's a photo of me & Bonnie when we were on a school trip.

then Teddy run in

Teddy: what the fuck happened?

Teddy sad I look up

Phoebe: someone was in here & destroyed my room

I said then Teddy walk into my closet

Teddy: your clothing are remand

Teddy said

Phoebe: I know

I said

5 min later I see dad running in my room & he is shock of what he is seeing

Christian: oh my fucking god

dad said

Teddy: dad languish

Teddy said

Christian: are you hurt

dad ask me

Phoebe: no im fine

I said then dad talk to Taylor.

dad told me to sleep in Teddy room with Teddy till my bedroom is fix my mom give me a night gouge to sleep in I walk into Teddy room & I lied down on the bed & go to sleep.

the next day it's Saturday & I am in the book store in Seattle then my phone goes off I grab my phone & it's my mom

[on the phone]

[Phoebe - hi mo-]

[Ana - come to my office now]

[Phoebe - why what wrong?]

[Ana - just come ok]

[Phoebe - ok I am on my way]

[end the phone]

I hung up & I rush out & I run as fast as I could to 'Grey Publishing' when I got there I rush in & I go to mom's office

Phoebe: mom what wrong?

I said & she turn around to face me & give me the newspaper I open it & I see a photo of me skating

Phoebe: Oh My God

I said

Ana: I know I just got it

mom said

Phoebe: dad is going to fucking kill me I am going to be in fucking tumble he is going to find out

I said

Ana: everything is going to be ok

mom said

Phoebe: no mom is not going to be ok now dad will tell me to quit skating but I can't I have to get ready for Nationals in 2 months now

I said about to cry

Ana: honey he is not going to find out & he doesn't read the newspaper at work he read it at home

mom said & my phone goes off I grab it & it's a text from dad

- Come to my work office NOW!!! - Daddy


Phoebe: it's too late

I said & I show the text to mom

Phoebe: don't tell dad that you knew

I said

Ana: I won't

mom said & I walk out this is going to be a long talk.  


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