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Here I am, on the rooftop of the building I work in. Standing here all alone with no dream, no goal, no peace and no will to live. It's the same day my life tragically changed 2 years ago.

It was a normal day, I came back from school only to not find a single soul inside the house. I opened the door with my spare keys and walked inside calling out for mom. She wasn't home, no one was. I found a note on the fridge saying that she's gone for getting my little brother his costume for the fancy dress competition with him and dad

He was 4 that time and was overly excited for his performance. I bet I was more excited to watch him perform on the stage. He was someone who meant the world to me. My life has always been a mess but he came with all the happiness I could ever find.

I took a shower, made myself a sandwich and sat down to complete my assignments. It was almost the deadline and I haven't started a single thing. Time flew by and it was already 4 hours since I sat down for my work. They weren't home yet. I tried calling mom but her phone was switched off and dad left his phone at home charging. One more hour passed by when I got a call from an unknown number. I picked it up and the person on the other side spoke, "Is this Kiera?".

"Yes it is, may I know you?" I replied. The next thing I heard was not something unforeseen, never thought could be possible. "I'm speaking from the care line hospital. Your family got into a car crash. I need you to come here as soon as possible."

I made an attempt to stand up but my entire body was shaking in disbelief of what I just heard. I reached the hospital and walked towards the reception trembling and asked them to guide me. Just then a doctor walked towards me and impatiently asked, "Are you the daughter of Mr and Mrs Aderson?"

I replied with a nod. "It must be hard for you but you need to look at their bodies in order to finish the identification process" He said that with absolutely no sympathy in eyes just trying to finish this part of his errands so he could get back to his work.

That moment I realized they were not alive anymore.

I walked into the room. It felt like the chilliest room I've ever walked into. As I walked closer I saw them, I saw mom and dad lying beside each other covered in blood, not breathing anymore. Their faces were pale lips almost turned purple. As I looked at their bodies I couldn't feel a particular emotion. A part of me was shocked, a part of me was scared, a part of me was….. relieved.

Yes, relieved.

Even though they gave me a roof above my head, food to eat and clothes to wear, I was just a mere stress reliever for them. They hit me the way they wanted, blamed me for everything little despair of their life called me useless and worthless when all i was trying to do is make them feel proud, make them not regret giving birth to me.

As I was swallowed by my thoughts a nurse came in dragging another gurney along with her. There he was…. My world, my only happiness lying down helpless on the bed.
"He passed away 3 minutes ago" She notified me.

Tears started falling down my eyes as I felt drowsy looking at the little body which was covered in blood, those innocent happy looking eyes closed forever, that beautiful smile he had which I would never see again. I felt a sudden pain in my chest as my head felt heavy and my tears won't stop falling. My knees gave up as I fell to the ground. How can life be so cruel? How can he leave this world when he just started living in it?

I somehow managed to get up and walked towards him. I held his little hand which was no longer warm as it used to be. His Rosy lips turned blue. He was gone. He left me. They left me

The cops arrived at the hospital. When I was still trying to process the whole situation, the cop walked in my direction. "Are you related to the victims of this accident?" He said, initiating the conversation. I nodded.

"Your father's car was hit by a truck driver. He was drunk and lost consciousness while driving and happened to crash with the car. I know you're in a great state of grief but I would like you to corporate with us and visit our station tomorrow as the culprit has been arrested and we need your consultation to further investigate the case"

A drunk truck driver happened to hit the car and managed to take the lives of 3 people. Why? Why was it my father's car? Why did my family have to be the one to get crashed by the truck?

I was standing outside the station with my uncle who had to show up as a guardian as I was too young to be in a police station alone. I took a deep breath as I tried to get a hold of myself. I was going to see the culprit in person. 3 cops walk towards us along with a person in handcuffs. He had unaimed eyes,a slender body and looked like he was in his  50s. The cop tried to brief the entire situation to us and asked us to compensate him as it was clearly an accident.

"I was drunk. I lost my senses and was not able to drive properly. I'm sorry for your loss but i hope you understand the situation properly" he said looking at me with the eyes which had no guilt whatsoever in them

"I understand the situation. It was not done on purpose and i would like you to compensate us with money" my uncle spoke up and I was left dumbfounded.

How can he really just let this whole matter be solved by mere money? That man killed my family. He killed my brother. "This is not right!" I exclaimed. "He killed my family. He needs to go to prison." I added.

Just as I said that my uncle dragged me out of the station. "Don't make it hard for me," he said, irritated. "It's all over now, they are gone so either he goes to the prison or not nothing's gonna change. I have got a lot of other stuff to do than fighting a case for them."

"Don't create problems for others." he warned as he left me standing there in front of the police station.

It was over. I was just 15 years old. My life shattered into too many pieces and there's no way I could pick them up. No one cared, no one approached to help. All I could hear was whispers from people talking about how pitiful I was.

I somehow managed to keep myself alive till today but not anymore. I can't find a reason to live anymore. The more I live,the more I grow. I just keep filling my life with miseries.

I climbed onto the wall of the building. Biting my chapped lips I look down towards the ground being astonished by the height. If I jumped and my head touched the ground first, my skull would surely break into a hundred pieces. I took a deep breath and sat down wanting to admire the beauty of the night one last time.

It looked beautiful from the top of this building. The lights were shining brightly like someone sprinkled the stars on the road. The cold wind hit my face, making me close my eyes and enjoy the breeze.

It was a perfect day to die.

I finally stood up and got closer to the cliff, getting ready to let my body fall when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back to find a girl who looked around my age walking towards me.
She didn't bat an eye towards me but walked to the direction of the wall, climbed it and sat down just 3 feet away from me.

"Perfect day to die isn't it?" She attempted to start a conversation.

I looked at her confused and sat down at the place I was standing. "Pretty much" I replied. "Why are you here?" I asked coldly

She smiled a little and replied, "I don't think you own this place so I can be here without answering that question." I felt irritated by her words, wanting to throw her off the cliff first.

"You really think killing yourself would fix everything. Isn't that too cliche?" She stated after a while. And it rang triggers in my brain. "If I was in your shoes I wouldn't make such a lame choice just because I'm too lazy to fight for my life."

I felt the anger building up inside me. I climbed off the cliff and grabbed her and threw her towards the ground. I held her by her collar and burst out,"What the hell do you think you are? You know nothing about me or my situation and you think you could have lived better than I am being in my shoes? You have no idea what I have gone through!"

She struggled but managed to get off my grip and stood up."I might not know what you have gone through but ending your life to escape the misery is something cowards do"

She left as soon as she said that.

That's it.
It's no longer a perfect day to die.

The Shadow Of Identity Behind The Mirror Of Reality Where stories live. Discover now