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"Maybe you should calm down first." She said softly. I have no idea how it's going to be. I'm going to the company today.

Yeah. I never thought I would ever go there but thanks to someone I lost my part time job three days ago.

I made a little mistake while serving the customers and the manager said a mouthful to me. I stayed still and listened to her as I didn't want to lose my job then Lena walked in out of nowhere trying to defend me and talking about irrelevant stuff which made the manager so furious that she fired me.

I finally was left with no choice.
I am pretty jittery about going there as I have no idea what I'm going to be dealing with. I don't want another Storm rising up in my life.

"Break a leg darling,I hope you get the job!"

"Don't call me that" I said annoyed by her existence.

It took me twenty five minutes to reach here. I stood right in front of the building contemplating whether I should step in or not.

The huge doors swallowed me inside and my heart skipped a beat when I laid my eyes in the building. It was magnificent.

The lights gleaming so bright that there are no shadows formed. People were busy walking around, making calls. My presence was non-existent.

I looked around finding the counter as I walked towards it with my eyes all over the place absorbing the details. I talked to the receptionist and she led me to the elevators and we reached the fifth floor.

I followed her nervously as we entered a room and she left me there, letting me dig my grave or strive to live. 

There he was. Mr.Herold Martin. He gave out a radiant smile recognising me.

"Hello lady. Took you long enough."

"Hello sir. I took my time to think
about it and yeah I'm here now." I said nervously.

"I'm glad you're here." He said, flashing a modest smile.

"I'm here for a job sir. I came here hoping for one." I said, trying not to beat the bush.

"Yes and I'm here to give you that but first I need to show you and explain to you a few things. Follow me."
We made our way to the elevator when he pressed the basement button.

My face grew pale. My heart suddenly started throbbing. I clenched the stripe of my hand bag unknown of what is going to happen once we reach there.

He exited the elevator and started walking casually towards a door at the corner as I kept following. He used his handprint to open the doors as we walked into a busy room. There were huge computers and on the walls and people working on it.

Weapons hanging on one side. It looked like an operating center and the place for all the CCTVs to be watched except that the footage was not of the building or any place near it.

"This is the place I want you to work, not right now but someday"

"What is this place?" I ask curiously.

"I have built this long ago. We work undercover, make different teams with skilled people and take down the criminals" he explains.

"Don't we have enough cops for that"

"We do but they are so corrupted."

"So the government gave you orders to catch them?" I toss  another question.

"We don't work for the government. I can't work for them when they are the trash cans I'm trying to clean up.
I want to make a new team and want you to be a part of this."

I scoff. Me? I can't even download a file without struggling and he wants me to operate those big computers for it.

I cleared my throat."I already have a lot on my plate. I'm attending school and need to work part time for money. I'm afraid I don't have time for it"

He looks at me confused and then looks down and looks at everything but me until he finally decides to speak

"How about we make a deal? I will pay for all your living expenses and your school's fees. In return you need to work absolutely hard and make it to the team."

I felt hardness in my throat making it hard to swallow.

I'm walking down the alley. It's already past 10 as I didn't go back home straight after the meeting.

The chill autumn breeze hits my face while I'm still stuck in the maze of thoughts. I was almost there to reach my home when I saw a familiar figure squatting down patting a cat's head while it kept licking the water from the bowl.

"What are you doing here?"

She flinches at my voice but soon recognises me and gives a vivid smile. And that's it. She started raining me with questions and I ignored them and made my way to the front door, unlock it and let ourselves enter.

"Why won't you tell me what
happened!" She says in absolute frustration.

"Sit here." I say as I explain her the whole thing happened their briefly.

"Woah! I think the offer is delicious.
What did you say? Did you expect the deal? Tell me?"

"You know what" I reply.

"Curiosity. It makes you cross limits and do things you never expected. It can make you take any reckless decisions in life."

"And?" She says following my words waiting impatiently for the ending.

"Curiosity is a disease. And I have it!"

The Shadow Of Identity Behind The Mirror Of Reality Where stories live. Discover now