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Late that night, despite the exhaustion weighing her down, Kat was determined. "I need to pack up Severus' things," she insisted, her voice unwavering. "I don't want anything of his left in my cottage."

Miles gave her a concerned look but nodded, understanding her need for closure. "Alright," he said softly. "Let's get it done."

With Miles' help, they made quick work of packing Severus' belongings into the expanding trunk that had always held far more than it appeared. Kat moved with quiet efficiency, her movements sharp and focused, determined to sever the final tie. Miles stayed close by, not saying much but offering his silent support, passing her items and folding what needed to be folded.

The silence between them was heavy but comfortable, filled with the unspoken understanding that this was a necessary step for Kat. Once the last of Severus' things were packed, Kat stood for a moment, staring at the trunk, her heart aching, but she refused to let herself linger on the feelings clawing at her chest.

Miles watched her carefully. "Ready?" he asked gently.

Kat nodded, wiping her eyes. "Yeah. Let's get it out of here."

They hauled the trunk to Severus' cottage in the cool night air, the weight of the situation pressing down on Kat's shoulders with every step. When they reached the door, she used the key to unlock it, the quiet click of the lock feeling like the closing of a chapter. Inside, the cottage was eerily still, untouched since Severus had virtually moved in with her.

Kat set the trunk down and walked over to the counter. She pulled out the key from her pocket and placed it on the cold surface, letting her fingers linger over it for just a second. This was it—no turning back now. Severus would have everything he needed, and he would have no reason to come to her cottage again.

With a deep breath, she turned to Miles, her expression resolute but tired. "Let's go."

They left the cottage behind, the door closing softly but with finality, and made their way back to Kat's home. Inside, the warmth and comfort of the familiar space surrounded her, but the emptiness of the bed she once shared with Severus gnawed at her.

She hesitated for a moment, then turned to Miles, her eyes filled with vulnerability. "Can you... stay with me tonight? I just—" Her voice wavered. "I don't want to be alone."

Miles didn't hesitate. "Of course," he said softly, his hand resting gently on her arm. "I'm not going anywhere."

Kat's heart was pounding in her chest, the weight of everything that had happened pushing her to seek comfort in the one person who had always been there for her.

As she slipped out of her clothes, she reached for the oversized t-shirt draped on the back of a chair, pulling it over her head. It fell loosely around her, and she felt a momentary sense of relief, the soft fabric calming her as she crawled into bed.

Miles, standing beside the bed, quietly stripped down to his boxers. There was nothing awkward or uncertain between them, only the steady, familiar rhythm of two people who had been through it all together.

He slid into bed beside her, his warmth immediately surrounding her like a protective shield. The air in the room was heavy with the unspoken connection between them, a long history of friendship and something deeper that lingered just beneath the surface.

Kat turned toward him, her face inches from his, her emotions overwhelming her. She leaned in, her lips pressing softly against his. It was instinctive, a need to feel something other than the ache in her chest. Her hand found its way to his cheek as the kiss deepened, but then, just as quickly, Miles pulled back, his eyes soft but firm.

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