Busy Little Bee

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The Great Meeting Hall of Ilvermorny was alive with quiet anticipation as the staff gathered for their final preparations before the students arrived. The enchanted ceiling above, reflecting the clear morning sky outside, filled the room with a soft glow. Severus Snape walked alongside Kat, their footsteps echoing slightly as they approached the gathered faculty.

Kat, with her usual playful energy, was immediately greeted by her colleagues. She grinned up at Severus as they stepped into the room, clearly enjoying the bustle.

"Welcome to the madhouse," Kat teased, nudging him slightly with her shoulder.

Severus's eyes scanned the room, taking in the eclectic mix of personalities. Though the Hogwarts staff had their own quirks, there was something about Ilvermorny that felt more... unruly, chaotic even, compared to what he was used to.

Kat, the social butterfly that she was, immediately started introducing Severus around.

"Severus, you've got to meet Flynn," Kat said, her voice bubbling with excitement as she led him over to a man with messy red hair, a brightly colored Muggle band t-shirt peeking out from under his robes.

Flynn O'Hare flashed them a wide grin. "Ah! The new Potions Master!" he exclaimed, extending his hand toward Severus with a friendly nod. "Flynn O'Hare. Muggle Studies."

Severus took the offered hand, his expression measured, but his curiosity piqued at Flynn's unusually relaxed demeanor for a professor. Flynn's eyes sparkled with mischief as he continued. "I'm sure you'll find my class... enlightening. I'm always looking for volunteers to test out some Muggle inventions, you know. Maybe one of these days I'll drag you in."

Severus smirked faintly. "I'll... consider it," he said, already sensing Flynn's unconventional energy. Kat chuckled next to him, clearly entertained by the thought.

Just as they were about to move on, they were intercepted by Ophelia Clearwater, a statuesque woman with sharp features and long, raven-black hair. She moved with a graceful elegance that made her stand out in the bustling room.

"Ah, Severus Snape," Ophelia said, her voice soft but firm. "I've heard quite a bit about you." She extended a hand, her large silver rings catching the light.

"Ophelia Clearwater," she introduced herself, "Divination." Her eyes lingered on Severus as if she could see more than just his outward appearance. "I look forward to what your presence will bring here."

Severus nodded politely, a hint of curiosity creeping into his eyes. "Likewise, Professor Clearwater," he responded, his tone respectful, though he felt slightly scrutinized under her gaze.

Kat leaned in toward Severus and whispered, "She probably already knows how your year's going to go." Severus raised an eyebrow, though his lips twitched into a small smile at Kat's comment.

They made their way toward the greenhouse end of the hall where Professor Elderwood Thistle—known to everyone as Woody—stood adjusting his wide-brimmed hat. He was a tall man in his late seventies, with a kind face weathered by years of working with magical plants.

"Ah, Katelyn!" Woody's face lit up when he saw Kat. "And this must be Severus Snape!"

Severus was caught off guard by the professor's infectious enthusiasm. Woody grasped Severus's hand in a firm but friendly handshake. "Elderwood Thistle, Herbology," he said warmly. "I've heard great things about your potions work. We'll have to chat about some of the rare plants I've been cultivating—might be of use to your classes."

Severus, who typically preferred solitude to such warm welcomes, found Woody's genuine nature surprisingly disarming. "I'd be interested to hear about your collection," Severus replied, nodding. Kat stood by, grinning as she watched Severus navigate the lively interactions.

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