Caught in a Trap Pt2

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Kat descended the grand staircase with a storm of emotions swirling inside her, her footsteps firm, each step reflecting her mounting frustration. Lucius was waiting at the bottom, leaning casually against the banister with that ever-present smirk playing on his lips. The sight of him only fueled her annoyance, and she avoided his gaze as she approached.

"The car is being brought around," Lucius said smoothly, his voice calm but carrying an undercurrent of control.

Kat didn't even look at him, her body stiff as she crossed the marble floor toward the front door. She didn't have the energy for his games—not today.

Lucius's pale eyes narrowed slightly, sensing the tension. "And what exactly are your plans in town, Kat?" he asked, his tone deceptively casual but laced with interest.

"That's my business," she snapped, still refusing to meet his gaze.

Lucius's smirk deepened, and he crossed his arms over his chest, watching her with growing amusement. "Well, since you're using my car for this little journey, I think I have a right to know where you're going."

Kat stopped just shy of the door, her jaw clenched in irritation. "You're so predictable," she shot back, her voice sharp with disdain. "I'll walk, then."

Lucius rolled his eyes dramatically, clearly unfazed by her attitude. "Be back by 5," he said coolly, his voice edged with quiet authority. "You're going to eat before the party."

Kat's hand was on the doorknob, ready to storm out, when she turned and glared at him. "Give me my gummies back," she demanded, her voice tight. "I need them."

Lucius raised an eyebrow, his smirk never fading. "Earn them," he replied smoothly, the challenge clear in his voice.

Kat stared at him, her body rigid with anger, but she didn't give him the satisfaction of responding. Instead, she turned sharply on her heel, ignoring him completely as she pushed the door open and stepped outside. The crisp air hit her face, a small relief from the tension that had been suffocating her inside the manor.

The sleek black car was already waiting at the front, and without a second glance back at Lucius or the house, she got in, slamming the door behind her.

Kat slid into the back seat of the sleek black car, slamming the door with more force than necessary. The rush of crisp air from outside was a brief relief from the suffocating tension of the manor, but it wasn't enough to settle her nerves. She leaned back against the leather seat, taking a deep breath and trying to push thoughts of Lucius and Severus out of her mind.

As the car began to move, she glanced up at the rearview mirror, her eyes catching sight of the driver. He was young, probably in his mid-twenties, with thick, dark hair that framed a strong, clean-shaven jawline. His hands gripped the steering wheel confidently, and she noticed the sharp cut of his suit—a driver, but polished. The contrast between his calm demeanor and her chaotic emotions made her pause.

"What's your name?" Kat asked, her voice still sharp, but laced with curiosity as she shifted forward in her seat.

The driver met her gaze in the mirror briefly before returning his attention to the road. "It's Jack, ma'am," he replied, his voice deep and steady, though there was a slight hint of amusement at her sudden question.

Kat let her gaze linger on him for a moment, her lips curling into a faint, mischievous smile. "Jack, huh?" she said softly, the irritation from earlier still simmering beneath the surface but now shifting into something else—something playful, almost dangerous. She leaned back against the seat, crossing her legs slowly, her skirt hiking up just enough to catch his attention. "How long have you been driving for Lucius?"

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