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#request.. sorry it's lowkey short

Kylies POV

I arrive at studio at around 1ish, Malia's been here already for about an hour so I go straight to on set where she is no where to be found,

"Kylie!!" Morgan runs up to me and gives me a hug,

"Hey girl" I smile,

"Thank god you're here I've just been filming alone for like 2 hours" She groans,

"I thought you were doing your scene with Malia?" I ask,

"She didn't show up" Morgan shrugs,

"Huh? I literally saw her location here" I say,

"Well she's not here" Morgan says,

"Weird, anyways I've got to get ready" I say,

"Okay see you later" Morgan waves and make my way to my trailer but before I get there I decide to take a detour towards Malia's trailer. There's no lights on but I decide to go in anyways, 

"Malia?" I call out and my eyes fixate to Malia curled the couch

"Malia" I whisper,

"Kylie?" She opens her eyes slightly,

"What's up?" I ask,

"I've got the worst cramps of my life" Malia pulls her legs closer to her body,

"Aw" I rummage around in my bag and pull out a heating pad,

"Come on babe we have to get onto set" I say and Malia lowers her legs down while groaning in pain, I carefully pull up her shirt before sticking on the heating pad, once it's on Malia curls back up and I rummage through my bag for some tylenol. 

"I can just call you in sick if you want?" I say,

"No I can keep filming" She adjusts herself to sit up and I hand her some tylenol as well as her water,

"Are you sure? There's no shame" I say as she gets up while clutching onto herself,

"yup" She says, we go and get into our characters before we actually get to set. Once we walk in I start talking to the director and Malia sits down, she is visibly uncomfortable and the director notices,

"You okay?" He asks,

"Yup" She sucks in a harsh breath,

"Okay well we are filming the fight of our lives scene so I hope you stretched" He says before walking away,

"Malia baby are you sure you can do this?" I ask,

"Yes I'm fine, feeling better actually." She says but I can tell she is lying,

"Okay then" I sit down beside her, 

"Malia we need you in 5!" A crew member yells and she does a thumbs up, just as she gets up to go over I notice something, red. I jump up and quickly pull her against me,

"Kylie? What are you doing!?" She says angrily trying to push me off,

"you leaked" I say in a quiet whisper and I feel her body tense up,

"are you sure??" She says in an even quieter whisper,

"positive" I wince,

"What are you two doing??" The director asks, not wanting to expose Malia I use my acting skills to pretend to cry,

"I-I'm sorry I need a moment" I fake sob as I slowly move Malia and I towards the door, my body still tightly against hers,

"Fine, 15 mins." He sighs,

"Thankyou!" I say before I pull Malia out of the room and take us to my trailer,

"shit shit shit" Malia looks at her now red stained ass,

"It's okay" I start to rummage through my drawers,

"It's not okay! This is my costume! And I ruined it!" Malia yells in anger,

"It's fine, I'm sure they will understand"  I grab a some of the spare clothes I keep lying around,

"No they won't" Malia starts to cry,

"Malia baby it will be okay" I give her a tight hug trying to calm her,

"I'll probably be fired I got gross period blood on their costuming! Not to mention the embarrassment of giving this to them!" She panics,

"We can take them to the dry cleaner, they don't have to know" I say,

"I'm so embarrassed" Malia curls her head into my neck,

"It's a normal thing Mal" I play with her hair,

"I'm probably getting blood on you!" She jumps away from me,

"You're not, just go to the bathroom and get changed, there's tampons in there" I hand her the pile of clothes, she grabs the clothes and goes into the bathroom. I text the director that I threw up and Malia is taking me home then get changed myself, I can hear Malia quietly sniffling in the bathroom,

"We are gonna go home, I told the director I threw up" I say through the door, it then suddenly opens and Malia hugs me,

"thank you" she cries,

"it's okay" I hug her back,

"Now lets go home" I pull back and grab my bag as well as my keys,

"What about our stuff?" Malia sniffles,

"We can deal with that tomorrow" I shrug and open the door, I feel Malia cuddle into me and we go to my car.

Malia And Kylie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now