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Another baddie request

Malias POV

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't noticed Kylies clinginess lately, I'm going back to Vancouver tomorrow to finally see my family and new baby sister, as much as I want to stay with Kylie I really miss my family. She knows I have to go back which is probably why she's been all over me lately,

"Kyles" I try to wake her up but she doesn't budge, she's on top of me so I carefully roll her off before dashing into the bathroom, I new I didn't have long until Kylie noticed so I tried to pee as fast as I could, not even 5 seconds later I hear Kylie,

"Malia come back" She groans,

"I will I'm just in the bathroom!" I call out and theres a loud over dramatic sigh from her in reply,

"2 secs Kylie" I quickly start washing my hands,

"I'm back!" I open the door and see Kylie frantically staring around the room,

"Kylie baby it's okay, I'm right here" I get back into bed with her,

"I missed you" she leans contemptibly into me,

"is everything alright Kyles?" I ask,

"I just am dreading you leaving" She puts her arms around me, I have a slight suspicion that Kylie may have separation anxiety from me but maybe she's just on her period or something, if she does have separation anxiety how am I supposed to leave her for 2 months, I don't want to break her. I look down at Kylie already asleep and continue to try think of something that could help, before I know it my alarm is going off to wake me up for the day,

"Maliaa! Turn that off" Kylie huffs,

"Sorry baby" I lean over and turn the alarm off before I start playing with Kylies hair,

"Come on, lets go get breakfast" I sit up making her role slightly away from me but she quickly reattaches herself,

"Lets get room service" She grips onto me tightly,

"Kylieeee!! We got room service like all of yesterday, it's boring" I groan, 

"Please" She drops her bottom lip,

"Fine" I sigh before grabbing the menu and phone  from my side table, I hand both to Kylie and let her order for us,

"Soo how do you feel about going to lunch with Ruby before I leave today?" I ask Kylie,

"Do we have to I just wanna stay in bed and cuddle" Kylie sighs,

"Well you can stay here if you want and I'll go to lun-"

"No!" Kylie yells taking me aback,

"I guess I'll come to lunch, I don't mind,  just as long as we are together" She nuzzles close into me, suddenly theres a knock on the door and Kylie quickly wraps her arms around me

"It'll be the room service" I go to get out of bed but he holds me down,

"Kyles, come on" I sigh and try pull her arms off me,

"Kylie let go" I say in a more stern tone but she just grips onto me tighter, using all my strength I stand up and just drag Kylie behind me before I open the door, I thank and tip the server and grab the tray, Kylie is still tightly holding onto my leg through this whole interaction even after I shut the door and trudge over to the table. Kylie finally lets go and stands up, just when I think its over she sits on my lap,

"Kylie what has gotten into you" I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist,

"Nothing!" She says and takes a sip of her iced coffee,

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