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Malia's POV

Tonight is Kylies release party, everyone is going to be there, including a lot of people I don't know and Kylie is persistent to introduce me to everyone. Obviously I'm happy for her, group environments just tend to get stressful, as well as the fact I don't know over half of the people attending. I am not a selfish person though so I get ready, I have to look my best for Kylie, it is a big night for her. 

"Malia hurry up we're late!!" Ivory runs into my room while on call with Kylie,

"Get your ass here Maliki" I hear Kylie say on the phone,

"Sorry I-I'm coming" I stutter,

"We will be there soon" Ivory hangs up the phone and I quickly finish my makeup,

"Are you okay?" Ivory asks,

"Yes I'm fine" I sigh,

"Okay well you know you can tell me if you're not" She says,

"God I know, I am fine Ivory." I snap,

"I'll be in the car" She huffs and leaves the room, god why am I like this. I quickly run out to the car,

"Finally" Ivory rolls her eyes,

"You got in here 5 seconds before me" I say,

"No fighting girls" Our mom says as she starts to drive to Kylies, its a quick drive and soon enough we are there, the music is pumping loudly that you can hear it outside,

"Keep an eye out for each other tonight okay?" She says as we park, even though I'm the older sister I can tell shes aimed this at Ivory 'taking care' of me,

"I'm fine Mom" I say,

"I know, just in case sweetie" She replies,

"Bye" I get out of the car and Ivory follows behind me, we walk into the party and there are so many people, I stop walking as I feel a twinge in my chest,

"Maliki!!!" Kylie runs jumps into my arms nearly knocking me to the ground,

"Kylie you scared me!" I let out a shaky breath,

"Ivoryyyy!!" Kylie hugs her,

"I'm so glad you guys came" Kylie grabs mine and Ivory's hands,

"You guys need to meet my old co-stars!" She drags us over to this big group of people,

"Hey guys!!" She gleams,

"Hey Dani!!" They all say in union, Dani was who Kylie played in high school musical the series,

"This is my boo Malia Baker and her little sister Ivory" She says,

"Hi" I say awkwardly getting a few side eyes,

"Oh shit I have to do my announcement, have fun!" Kylie runs off, leaving Ivory and I with her old cast mates,

"Lets go sit down" Ivory grabs my hand and pulls me through the sea of people,

"Malia!! Ivory!!" Ruby waves us over to a couch she's sitting at with Josh, Daya and Morgan,

"Heyyy" Ivory says as we sit down, they start talking amongst themselves but I'm too distracted scanning the room for Kylie,

"Malia? Hellooo" Daya waves her handinfront of my face,

"Huh?" I turn around and everyones staring at me,

"Are you alright?" Ruby asks,

"Yea I'm fine" I smile,

"I'm so proud of Kylie, god what a superstar" Morgan says,

Malia And Kylie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now