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The news of Sirius Black's escape over the summer didn't faze Rhaenyra; in her eyes, he was an icon. She marveled at the thought of a wizard capable of killing thirteen Muggles with a single spell. His wild, deranged mugshot only added to his dramatic allure.

As soon as the twins boarded the Hogwarts Express and found a compartment, they headed straight to sleep, completely unaware of the presence of Dementors on the train. Malfoy caused a scene while they were waiting for the carriages, revealing that Harry Potter had been attacked by a Dementor and had fainted.

"Malfoy, must you harass the poor boy?" Rhaenyra asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. Unfazed by her disapproval, he hopped into the nearest carriage and shrugged with a grin. "Just having a laugh," he retorted casually.

They were not fond of Potter, but they also had no interest in Malfoy's petty games. They watched him disappear into the carriage; Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. "Immature, as always," she muttered. Jacaerys simply shrugged as they got into their own carriage.

"I wonder..." Rhaenyra began, her voice a soft musing, ,"what makes someone like Black tick?"

Jacaerys looked up, his brow arching.

"Power," he stated simply. "A desire for it."

Rhaenyra hummed as she stared out the window. "Perhaps," she agreed, "but there's something more to it, don't you think?"

Jacaerys snorted, a dry smile twisting his lips. "You're romanticizing him, Nyra. He's a murderer, not some tragic hero from your stories."

"Isn't that what makes him so fascinating?" she countered, turning to him with a gleam in her eye. "The monster the wizarding world has made him out to be, and yet...there's this allure, this pull that draws you in."

Jacaerys raised an eyebrow, "Draws you in?" he repeated. "Should I be worried, Nyra? Are you harboring some secret admiration for the infamous Sirius Black?"

Rhaenyra laughed and rolled her eyes. "Hardly," she assured him. "I simply find the whole thing intriguing, is all. Maybe there's more to his story"

Jacaerys shrugged, "I suppose," he said.

They arrived at the castle, the carriage rattling to a stop. Jacaerys hopped out, turning to offer Rhaenyra a hand. She took it, her fingers wrapping around his as he pulled her down.

During the welcome feast last night, Dumbledore made two important announcements. First, he introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Then, he surprised everyone by revealing that Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, would be the new instructor for the Care of Magical Creatures. Rhaenyra could only hope that this new professor was competent. As the timetables were being handed out that morning, Rhaenyra peeked at Jacaerys' schedule.

"Jace, there must be some mistake. We were supposed to take divination together. Please speak to Professor Snape about this," Rhaenyra urged.

Jacaerys sighed and avoided her gaze. "I'm taking Arithmancy this year. Father was adamant," he admitted, gently placing his hand over hers on the table. "It's merely one class. We'll still be together in Potions, and you are aware of how you will direly need my help there."

Rhaenyra offered a weak smile. "I think you should reconsider. Arithmancy can't possibly be important."

Jacaerys sighed, "And Divination is?" His expression was unreadable. "Nyra. Father... he has his reasons. And I have to trust that he knows what's best."

Rhaenyra fell silent, knowing better than to push the issue further. She knew how stubborn Jacaerys could be with father's wishes. With a quiet sigh, she changed the subject. "Well, I should probably get going." Jacaerys nodded, giving her hand one last squeeze before releasing it. "Of course. Good luck and sit with Draco."

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