First Year

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There was a lively atmosphere in the courtyard with lots of activity. The time had come for Rhaenyra and Jacaerys to embark on their first year at Hogwarts. Silverclaw and Tessarion kept a watchful gaze upon their young masters, sensing the gravity of the moment. They had never been apart from their dragons for an extended period before.

Rhaenyra hugged Tessarion's thick neck, whispering, "I'll return soon, avy jorrāelan," tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. (I love you)

The dragon rumbled softly, a promise of patience and wait. Jacaerys, his voice choked with emotion, added, "We'll have so many tales to recount upon our return." He gently patted Silverclaw's scaled head, the dragon leaning into his touch, their bond palpable. Their parents, Aegor and Nymeria, observed from a short distance pride and sadness mingling in their eyes. Aegor, his posture as firm as the walls of their ancestral keep, voiced the family's shared sentiment.

"Remember, children," Aegor said, his voice firm, "The spirit of the dragon is within you."

Nymeria stepped forward, embracing her children. "Remember this: Dragonstone will always be your home."

Rhaenyra pulled back, meeting her mother's eyes. "This year will herald significant changes, Mother."

Nymeria's expression turned. "Then embrace the change and always trust in your heart."

With final, heartfelt goodbyes and lingering glances at their beloved dragons, the twins approached the grand stone fireplace. Clutching their Floo Powder tightly, they stepped into the green flames, hearts pounding with anticipation, ready to embark on their new adventure at Hogwarts.

Stepping out of the swirling green flames, Rhaenyra and Jacaerys found themselves on Platform 9 3⁄4. Their eyes widened at the sight of the scarlet Hogwarts Express, steam billowing and echoing the calls of excited students and families.

"Remarkable," Jacaerys breathed, gazing in awe at the train. Rhaenyra grinned, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "Ready to go?" she asked, her voice steadying his nerves.

"We'll stick together," she promised. As they maneuvered through the bustling platform, a girl with long, curly blonde hair, her confidence clear in her stride, and composure approached them.

"You must be the Targaryen twins. I'm Daphne Greengrass," she said, her eyes studying their distinctive lilac eyes with curiosity. "It's a family trait," Rhaenyra laughed, easing into the conversation. Their exchange was cut short by a group of students. There was a boy with silver hair that was slicked back and gray eyes, a sneer on his lips. Beside him stood a boy with brown wavy hair and sea-green eyes, and a girl with black short hair glued to the blonde's side, her eyes fixed on Rhaenyra and Jacaerys.

"Are you a pureblood?" Draco drawled. "I'm Draco Malfoy, and these are my friends, Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson."

Rhaenyra felt a flicker of irritation at his tone, but Jacaerys just grinned. "Rhaenyra and Jacaerys Targaryen."

Just then, a boy with a charming smile approached. "Blaise Zabini."

As the Hogwarts Express chugged and swayed on its journey through the countryside, the Targaryen twins settled into a compartment with their new acquaintances. Daphne Greengrass's friendly presence was a welcome comfort, while Blaise Zabini drew them in with his random thoughts. Midway through the journey, the compartment door slid open to reveal their cousins, Vysella and Vamar Velaryon, whose embrace almost crushed them.

"Vysella!" Rhaenyra exclaimed joyously, jumping up to hug her cousin.

"I couldn't miss the chance to join you," Vysella replied, her eyes twinkling. She turned to the others and introduced herself. "I'm Vysella and this is my brother Vamar. Nice to meet you all." Bartimos Celtigar accompanied them.

Draco Malfoy, with a mix of curiosity and disdain, asked, "Are you really dragon riders?"

Jacaerys responded, "Would you like to find out?"

Blaise chuckled at this, and even Daphne couldn't suppress a giggle.

"Leave them alone, Draco," Daphne interjected, casting a wary glance his way. "There's no need for an interrogation."

"I'm just curious," Draco retorted, though he stepped back slightly. "It's not every day you meet people who claim to ride dragons."

"Aspo" Bartimos couldn't help but roll his eyes. Rhaenyra chuckled and started a conversation with Bartimos and Vamar. They welcomed her warmly and shared useful tips on surviving their first year. (Bitch)

"Focus on your studies, but don't forget to enjoy yourself," Bartimos advised, his tone warm and encouraging. "And watch out for Peeves; he's a menace for new students." Rhaenyra noted that both her cousins were remarkably handsome.

Excitement buzzed through the Great Hall of Hogwarts as the Sorting Ceremony began. Professor McGonagall called each new student's name, adding to the electrifying atmosphere in the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

"Targaryen, Jacaerys!" she called out, her sharp voice echoing in the vast chamber. With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jacaerys walked up to the stool, feeling the weight of every gaze upon him. They placed the Sorting Hat on his head, and after a moment's deliberation, it declared, "Slytherin!"

Cheers erupted from the Slytherin table, their emerald and silver banners catching the candlelight as Jacaerys took his seat, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Next, it was Rhaenyra's turn.

"Targaryen, Rhaenyra!"

She walked confidently towards the stool, then the Sorting Hat shouted, "Slytherin!" Her new robes shifted to green and silver mid-walk, causing a moment of stunned silence before the Slytherin table burst into applause once more. Rhaenyra joined her brother, her cheeks flushed with a blend of pride and embarrassment as she dug into the sumptuous spread.

Entering the Slytherin common room for the first time, the dungeon-like space, a soft greenish glow of enchanted lamps, and the plush, dark furniture exuded elegance and mystery.

"Welcome to Slytherin. You'll find your roommate and room number on the bulletin board. Oh, and Rhaenyra, follow me," the prefect said, gesturing to a group of eager first-years. "Your father made a request for a private dormitory for you."

"You'll fit right in," Daphne Greengrass assured her warmly, noticing her discomfort. Not everyone was immediately friendly; Clara Fawley, a pure-blood Slytherin witch, eyed them skeptically, but remained silent.

Weeks passed, and Rhaenyra and Jacaerys Targaryen adjusted to their routines at Hogwarts. Potions with Professor Snape was demanding, his critical gaze often lingering on the twins, scrutinizing their skills. They found a natural aptitude for Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Impressive, Targaryen," Professor Quirrell muttered uneasily. Rhaenyra had a flair for Charms, frequently earning praise from Professor Flitwick. Jacaerys frequently clashed with Hermione Granger in charms, "It's Levio-sa, not Levio-sah!" Hermione would insist, her tone exasperated. Meanwhile, Clara Fawley, along with her minions Penelope Padgett and Calliope Blackwell, never missed an opportunity to insult the Targaryen bloodline. Their snide remarks ranged from insinuations about the dangers of inbreeding to questioning the legitimacy of their dragon-riding heritage, all of which grated on Rhaenyra's nerves.

Clara's words dripped with a venomous blend of jealousy and disdain that Rhaenyra found difficult to ignore. These remarks often came at the most unexpected moments—in the corridors between classes, within the dim recesses of the library, or even amid the bustling activity of the great hall during meals. Clara's taunts were relentless, mocking the ancient customs and traditions that the Targaryens held dear.

"Do you prance around with your fire-breathing pets at home, Rhaenyra?" she would sneer, her eyes alight with cruel amusement. Rhaenyra learned to mask her anger and frustration with a facade of icy composure, responding to Clara with a grace and dignity that belied her inner turmoil.

Having been taught by her parents that true strength lay in maintaining her composure and upholding the honor of her house, she knew better than to rise to the bait. The more Clara prodded, the more Rhaenyra became resolute in demonstrating the strength and nobility of her lineage through her actions, both at Hogwarts and beyond.

Vivid dreams frequently plagued Rhaenyra's nights. At the end of their first year at Hogwarts, they hopped on the Hogwarts Express to go back home.

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