Part 21 - The New and improved Wonderland

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Red pov:

We were told to stay a little longer while all the other students headed to class.

Red: Why did you want us to stay longer?

Mal: Just a few last-minute things to ask and discuss. Shouldn't take too long.

Red: ok... what were the questions?

Mal: well first we would like to know where you want this mural to be.

Red: I'm not sure. Where do you think we should put it, Chloe?

Chloe: it is very big. What about outside near the fields.

Mal: Great placement.

Evie: Secondly, we wanted to ask you how you feel about everything now? We care about you and want to know if you're alright after the whole presentation.

Red: Well, it definitely brought back some not so good memories, but I knew It was needed. I feel better now that it's out, and I sent you to worry about students making these bad assumptions. I have no clue what theirs talking about.

Uma: Lastly, we brought a special guest to this assembly today, I think you should spend the day with her.

Red: Who is it?

Uma: we invited your mother here today. Red.

Red: My mother?? Why would you invite her here for this, especially??

Uma: Because She's important to this school, people weren't kidding when they said she's a big deal, Red... I think it's best for you to spend the day with your new mother and maybe learn a thing or two about her.

Red: Do I have to?

Mal: Yes, and if you don't, you'll be expelled for a week and send you home.

I looked at her with a shocked face. They seem to be very serious about me spending the day with my mother. I'm so nervous it's like I'm meeting a whole new person.

Red: Can Chloe come with me at least?.... for support?

I said in a pleading voice.

Evie: Yes, Chloe can go with you.

Red: Thank you so much.

Mal: Your mother is waiting in the courtyard.

Evie: See you guys later tonight.

I grab onto Chloe hand as we head out to meet my new mom. But before we got close to the courtyard, I stopped pulling Chloe back for a moment.

Red: I'm so nervous, Chloe, my hands won't stop sweating, and my heart is pounding.

Chloe: it's ok Red, she's the same woman we met at orientation when we came back. She's probably a lot more similar to the Bridget we met at Merlin. Everything is going to be ok... I'm right here with you.

Red: You're right, Chloe... I don't even know why I'm acting like this....

Chloe: it's because you're still seeing her as her before self... she's not like that anymore. I think this is exactly what you need. Red.

Red: ok, let's just go before I chicken out.

We walked towards my mom, who was sitting on the bench playing with her cards.she noticed us.

QoH: Oh hi, Red, hi Chloe. I'm happy you decided to meet me here.

Red: Hey mom.... um, so you saw the presentation?

QoH: Yes, I did, I actually wanted to talk to you about it.

Red: Talk about what exactly?

QoH: Let's sit on a table first, shall we?

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