Part 8 - What are we?

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Red pov:

I woke up feeling a little groggy. I groan as I sit up. Barely blinking at the blank wall. I turn to see Chloe still sleeping in peace. I sigh at the sight of her. What even happened last night? I remember Mal and Evie were here, and I remember stupidity admitting that I love her. She said she feels the same way, but I still have my doubts. How could she love someone as broken as me... I've been nothing but a burden on her since we came back. Are we still friends? Are we more? Is this what she wants? I guess I'll have to face the music when she wakes up.  I decided to keep quiet since I think we both need as much sleep as possible after last night. I checked my clock and it was 8:20. We only have 10 minutes to get to class. My eyes widened as I got up to wake the girl. I gently shook her shoulder.

Red: Chloe, wake up. we're gonna late for school.

She suddenly woke up. Confused

Chloe: huh? What?

Her eyes barely open.

Red: we need to go to class now before we're late.

She bounced out for bed as we both got ready rushing to class.

We both arrived late to class. Everyone looked back at us.

Chloe: Sorry we're late.

Teacher: I was just about to start. Take your seats, girls.

We found 2 empty seats. The entire class I didn't want to make eye contact with Chloe. I could see her turn to me a few times. But I wanted to focus on the lesson. I felt more nervous around her today. Usually, I feel such at ease next to her.


Chloe pov:

During class, I noticed Red not looking at me the entire time. She was figeting with her pen and sighing a lot. I tried to look at her, hoping she'd look back, but she didn't. I hope it's not about I did.

After a few more classes, it was lunch time.

Chloe: I'm starvingz I feel like I haven't teaten in 2 days.

Red: I wonder what they have on the menu today.

We got out food, but before we went to find a seat, I leaned over.

Chloe: Did you want to sit beside our friends today? Or just us 2?

Red: we can sit with them, but after cam we talk?

Chloe: Sure, we can do that.

We found our friends as they greeted us to their table.

Leah: Hey, guess how was class this morning?

Chloe: went pretty good, didn't get too much homework this time.

Mona: I got more homework than yesterday. You're so lucky.

Red didn't seem to be in such a chatty mood now. She did eat her food, tho. I think her apatite is shifting back to normal. Sign of good health. She needs all the help she can get.

Mona: How come you aren't talking? Red? You've been staring at your plate for a whole 5 minutes.


Red pov:

I looked up at Mona. I didn't even realize I was just staring blankly at my plate.

Red: Oh, uh... I just have a lot on my mind right now.

Chloes turns to me.

Chloe: Did you want to leave and talk now?

I nodded, looking down.

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