Part 13 - Saving a Heartbreak

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Chloe pov:

That kiss was amazing. Who knew I'd be falling for a bad girl. Well, not bad, but you know. But just because we kissed doesn't mean I should be rushing us. I still have to be patient for Red. Hmm, but I wanna be hers so bad now. But I know this isn't up to me to decide.

Chloe: I'm happy you're finally starting to understand love more. I always found love adorable.

Red: Yeah, for the longest time, I barely knew that there were different types. Like yeah sure I thought ur dad was charming, but idk it's like it feels different for everyone.

Chloe: Yeah, it took me a while to figure out, too. For a while, I kept my sexuality a secret cause I thought it was wrong. But my parents  kept getting hints. They didn't see me differently after I finally came clean. But imma guess and say you didn't even know you were gay?

Red: I knew I always like women more than men. Probably was cause I was seeking validation from the other grown women in town. Wow, that sounds so creepy now that I say it out loud.

She looks down sad and embarrassed.

Chloe: I don't find it creepy.

She looks at me with concern.

Red: You don't?

Chloe: Of course not... I mean, you never got it from your mom, so you tried to find it in someone else. That's completely normal, especially if it helps you cope in some way.

Red: There were a few that felt more motherly to me than the queen could ever be. Sadly, one of them got caught....

Chloe: You mom wasn't happy about it.

Red: she was not, I wish I hadn't gotten that lady in trouble... she didn't deserve it.

Chloe: it's not your fault. It was the queen's.

Red: it was my fault. I was 9 years old and desperate, I sadly wasn't sneaky enough back then. After that, I vowed never to try again.

Chloe: Thanks for sharing this with me... I know your past is heavy. There's so much I don't know about you or your past. 

Red: Can we try something?

Chloe: Try what?

Red: I remember what you said at supper time. Talking about how you trust me so much.

Chloe: Yeah, what about it?

Red: I want to make sure you meant it. I think I know how I can tell for sure.

Chloe: ok, how can I prove myself to you more?

Red: Well, actions speak more than words, right?

Chloe: Yep, so what did you have in mind.

Red: I want you to put this blindfold on.


Red pov:

I handed her a blindfold. She gladly put in on.

Chloe: Now what?

Red: Now I time travel without you.

Chloe: What?!

She takes off her blindfold and sees me holding the watch. lunges at me, but I ran away in the hallway down the stairs. I run outside, and my thoughts are racing. Should I be doing this? Should I let Chloe catch me? No, she can't come with me. I need to do this alone. I run faster, Chloe now too far behind me.  I ran to the courtyard and yank a flag and swung it at her. This time, I mean it. I was not gonna let her get close to me. She backs away before getting hit. She fell on the ground. I point the flag at her chest, pushing her down. We're both a little out of breath. She looked so scared and helpless. She tried to keep her upper body up, resting on her forearms. My face filled with worry, my lips parted. I'm so nervous, but I need to do this.

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