Part 6 - finally feeling normal

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Chloe pov:

We had gym class first period. I was excited, I love almost all sports. My dad taught me a lot when I was little, so I'm pretty good at most all of them. The teacher got us to do some warm-up exercises. A few jumping Jack's a few push-ups and stretching. We have about 5 classes a day, so they're about an hour long each. So we can play for longer in gym class. The teacher then said that we'll be playing a running game of sorts today. He decided we should play tag for 10 minutes. So he chose a student, then gave us boundaries we couldn't cross on the field, and we all started to run. I have high endurance, so I was able to escape rather well. After a few people got tagged, so did I. I looked around and then saw Red smirking at me from afar. I smirked back and started sprinter to her. Her eyes got wide   before she turned around and ran. Left right left right straight. This girl can run, but I was determined to catch her. The other students honestly stopped running and just watched me chasing Red.  How is she so fast? I then I was so close and lunged at her only for her to quickly duck, making my fly over her. She pointed and laughed for a second before running. I decided to sneak attack her from the side. She turned her head behind her but didn't see me then looked forward but as she's turning she saw me lunge at her from the side. I tackle her my arms wrapped around her tiny waist, trying to grip it. I end up spinning around her and yanking her to the ground with me. I made sure she fell safely on my stomach. Was a little painful. We are both on the ground, panting.  We couldn't help but giggle as the madness that just happened. Everyone just watching us laugh.


Red pov:

Chloe: I finally caught you, Red.

Red: Well, that's what happens when you're used to running from the royal gaurds who would've thrown you in the Dungeon with no hesitation.

I say casually, everyone looked with concern.

Chloe: What?

She said, trying to catch her breath.

I look around to see everyone even Chloe have the same face.

Red: I'm just used to getting chased by the guards everyday, it's nothing, really.

I say, standing up. I'm dusting off my shirt.

Chloe: But you're the princess of Wonderland. Why would they be chasing you?

Red: cuz I'm rebellious and would sneak out past curfew, just to enjoy some freedom. Thankfully, I never got caught cause I would definitely have been thrown in the Dungeon.

I say as if it was nothing slightly laughing. To me, it wasn’t anything, just my daily life. I completely forgot we were in the middle of the field in gym class while everyone was staring at us. I can see concern grow more in chloes eyes before she walked up towards me and hugged me tightly.

Chloe: I'm sorry that happened to you. Red.

I hugged her back, smiling.she held me tight for 4 more seconds before letting go.

Red: it's ok, I'm used to it.

After that, the gym teacher cut us off, and we started to play an actual sport.  I think the sport was soccer. I didn't really play many sports. But my mom figured it would get me out of her hair, so she got me a few things to play with. The rest of the class went smoothly, and I got to play with other classmates, too. After gym class as we're walking towards the school to head to the next class. Chloe was walking beside me, and we were just talking about how wild gym class went. We had English class next. And we sat beside each other. The teacher told us to write about ourselves. I could see the excitement on Chloe's face. She went straight to work writing a whole essay about herself. Me on the other hand, was struggling with what to write. But I started to write what I knew or thought about myself. I write how I've always been a rebel, how I'm good at comebacks, and how I write and read a lot out of boredom. I can see Chloe look at my paper.

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