Part 17 - First Date

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Chloe pov:

Red asked me out on a date, but she actually did. I was not expecting her to. I'm squealing internally. Wait, does that mean she likes me back romantically? I got so excited that I dragged her to our dorm right after fencing. I wonder if she got anything planned, I mean, she did ask me, so I'm hoping she does. But even if she didn't, I'm just happy we want to give it a try. We finally reached our dorm.

Red: I planned us a date, but I forgot about outfits....

Chloe: we can wear this, we don't have to dress fancy. But I should freshen up after practice still.

After I went to the washroom and freshen up.

Chloe: So when is this date? Is it now? Or another day?

Red: I was hoping now, yes... if you want to.

Chloe: ok, did you need to bring anything?

Red: Yes, this backet.

She reaches under her bed and grabs the picnic basket he hid.

Red: Leah helped me a little, since I don't know much about dates.

Chloe: Awe, that's sweet of her, I'll be sure to thank her. 

So we headed out the door. She led me past campus and I to a forest. Holding my hand as we walked deeper in, we both couldn't help but look at all the pretty flowers that were on the ground. The more we walked, the more I noticed Red looking around. Like she's trying to find something. He had a small piece of paper with a drawn on map. I took a peek at it. And I saw she was looking for the picnic spot.

Chloe: Are you trying to find the picnic spot?

Red: yeh...

She looked a little defeated, I think she wanted to impress me by knowing everything so the date would go smoothly. But I know she's never been here before.

Chloe: Well, I know exactly where you're talking about. Let's go it's this way.

I gently lead us there. A decently sized open area with trees all around and soft grass. It's the perfect picnic spot. I help her get the blanket and picnic set up. I sat down as Red took more stuff out of the basket. She pulled out a big Bkue hydrangeas, my favorite. I mean, I do remember her asking me that today in class. But I wasn't really expecting anything.

Chloe: They're beautiful Red, thank you.

She then hands me a box of chocolates. It was in a heart-shaped package, my heart. Red is being so adorably sweet right, I might just explode. I can't believe this put in this much effort. The last thing she took out the basket was a container full of cut fruits. There were some strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, pineapple, and watermelon.

Chloe: Wow, so many fruits. I love this so much.

She then sits across from me. And I start to pick some fruits to eat.

Red: What is this?

She said, pointing at the strawberries.

Chloe: You never had strawberries?

She shook her head.

Chloe: Wow, just like Mal when she went on her first date when Ben. Awwwe, this is too cute. Now I need to see your reaction to it.

She picks one up and takes a bite, her face lit up.

Red: My gosh, this is the best thing ever.

Chloe: I know, it's one of my favorite fruits ever... but how come you never had one before.

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