Part 1- Move in day.

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Red pov:

After we came back from the past, I was able to see the new version of my mom, the one I never thought I would ever see. I was genuinely scared when I saw her red dress from behind, thinking we didn't fix the past, but when she turned around, all I could do was tear up at the sight of her. Her dress was white and red, the same style as her old dress. The words coming out of her mouth felt so much softer than before. It was a little strange at first. I joined her as we sang and danced. I was happy, so so happy at that moment, but I knew at that the moment I would be crying my heart out if I was left alone. I tried to brush it off as much as I could as we danced.

After the whole introduction to the school, I was finally able to get ready to actually go to school. My mom kept talking about how wonderful I was as a daughter and future queen of wonderland as we walked to my dorm. I wasn't able to see Chloe yet since she had to meet up with her parents before heading to her dorm.

The dorm was big with 2 beds, just like Merlin academy, well I mean, it's the same school, but I kinda expected it to be even just a little different after 30 years. I place my things to the right side of the room as my mom helps me with my other stuff. After helping me she got a call, she picks up and soon looked disappointed. After a little  it she hung up facing me.

Bridget: sorry dear but I'm being called back to wonderland for an unexpected meeting. I wish I could stay and help but it's an important meeting.

She hugs me goodbye and leaves in somewhat of a hurry.


Chloe pov:

After the crazy adventure Red and I had at Merlin Academy, I forgot that it was my turn to go to this school. I was happy I got to finally start this new chapter of my life.

Before I could go to my dorm, my mom wanted to go eat at the cafeteria and talk. We got there, and there were a few people eating and chatting at well. I found us a seat, and we sat down. I had a vanilla cupcake, and my mom just had  a slice of banana bread.

Cinderella: So Chloe, are you excited to finally start school at Auradon prep?

She says placing her hand together on the table.

Chloe: Of course, I am mom, I've been waiting for this moment since I was in the 4th grade.

Cinderella:  You were always so academically smart dear. You might just end up at a better college than Chad one day.

I giggled knowing Chad is actually smarter than he says he is. He might look like a dumb jock on the outside but he can definitely surprise us at times.

After my conversation with my mom, I decided to finally head to my dorm to unpack before supper. We head to the main hall where Uma was talking to a student. There was a bit of a lineup, but I was patient.

Once it was our turn, I happily walked towards the table.

Chloe: Hi principal Uma!

I said a little too loud and quickly getting embarrassed.

Uma:  HI Chloe charming, how are you today?

Chloe: I'm doing great. I'm so excited to start school here.

I say as a nod.

Uma: That's good to hear Chloe, your dorn number this year will be dorm number 287 on the second floor to your left.

Cinderella: Thank you, principal Uma, and amazing speech too if I may add.

I smiled as I waved her goodbye heading up the stairs. I can't wait to see my room. I see a few kids here and there unpacking. Most of the doors were open, I kept peeking through all the rooms as we walked by getting closer to my room. I was getting a little nervous, I didn't even think of who could possibly be my roommate.... I mean I highly doubt it's Red, I mean what are the chances eh?

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