Part 16 - How to ask out Princess

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Red pov:

I'm finally back in my normal time. That was a crazy experience. I got to meet my future self, and she was messy. But most importantly, I learned a valuable lesson, always talk before assuming. I learned that if I can't even come to Chloe to talk to her, trusting her will be much more difficult. I'm just so happy she's safe. I've grown a new set of confidence I did not have before I time traveled. I think I want to ask her on a date... but I don't know anything about dates or dating. Hmm, let me go ask Leah and the other tomorrow, I'm sure they got some ideas I could use.

Chloe: What are you thinking about? You deep spaced out again.

Red: Hmm?.... oh um I'm just tired, is all.

Chloe: it is getting late.

We reached our dorm. I'm so tired. I just plopped down on my bed like a starfish.

Chloe: I hope one day you can maybe tell me about your time traveling adventure. But for now, let's just rest.

Red: agreed.

I drifted off thinking about Chloe. How I want to know more about her... I think I'm falling for her.... I fell asleep not long after. Soon enough, the morning sun was hitting my face as I woke up. I got up and took a shower. My thoughts wondered what I should do for our date. Would she even say yes? How do I even ask her in the first place? Should I get her flowers? Oh, I'm getting nervous, I shouldn't be it's Chloe after all.... oh, who am I kidding it's because it's Chloe that I'm nervous. It's like I know we don't have a label, but I still feel like there's a chance she might just see me as a friend. I guess I'll have to wait and talk to Leah and the others. I got out of the shower and got ready for school. We met up with our friends for breakfast.

Mona: How are you guys this morning?

Red: good, still a little tired but good.

Chloe leaned over and whispered in my ear.

Chloe: Did you want to talk about your adventure with them? It's ok if you want to tell them when I'm not here.

Red: it's ok, I want to talk about it.

She's leans back.

Red: I time traveled yesterday... without Chloe.

Jack: You time traveled?

Red: it's my second time. My first was with Chloe here.

Chloe: That's why we're close when we only known each other for like 6 days.

Leah: Wait, so you both time traveled? Can we hear the story?

Jack: Yeah, I wanna hear it, too.

So I told the story, and Chloe joined in too as we both talked about our perspectives and chaos that happened while we were trying to save my mom.

Leah: Wait, so you went back in time to fix your mom?

I nodded.

Red: I grew up with the not so nice version of her. She's a good person now... but just still have all the memories of the past trauma.

Chloe: I don't know much about Red's childhood, but I do know she's strong.

Chloe places her hand on mine.

Mona: But you said you time traveled twice, what's the second time like?

Red: I did, and it was yesterday. I decided to go alone. I met my future self, and she was fun to hang out with, but she was quite the emotional mess.

I see Chloe's face just lit up. I look at her confused.

Red: Why are you smiling like that?

Chloe: Oh, I'm just so excited to see more of your vulnerable side.

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