part 4 - First day jitters

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Red pov:

I woke up at the same time as Chloe, unlike me she looked like she had 10 hours of sleep while I'm here looking like I had 3. How are her curls so perfect? Every day, no matter what, her curls just stay the same. I bet she never had a bad hair day in her life. I brush my hair, and we head out to go eat breakfast. I was nervous again because of what happened at supper time last night. I don't want Chloe to know I have binge eating disorder (BED).... but I think she already knows. We head out, walking down the stairs to the cafeteria.

Chloe:  I wonder what breakfast items they have.

I nodded my head and smiled at her. She stops and grabs my arm firmly yet gently at the same time. I look at her hand, gripping me, then her face.

Chloe: What's wrong?

How does she know? Am I getting bad as masking my emotions? My eyes soften as I look at her.

Red: I'm just nervous about going to a new school... well, a school.

Chloe: I'll be right here if you need me. You can come to be whenever you need help.

We got to the cafeteria, and I asked Chloe to grab food for me. So she got me a chocolate chip muffin. It was very good, and I didn't feel like eating too much. Soon after we got to our first class, I sat beside Chloe nervously, looking around the room. She places her hand on mine.

Chloe:  You're ok, Red, you doing good.

I don't even know why I'm so nervous right now. We literally did the exact thing at Merlin Academy. Soon, class started, and I felt more at ease.


Chloe pov:

During class, I noticed Red finally relaxing. She's been stressing all morning. I wish I could understand her more. I want to know all of her problems, I want to relieve her of all her guilt, rage, trauma, etc. Sadly, she's just my friend. I've only known for a few days. I need to avoid being too pushy. I hope she can trust me enough to share more of her struggles. I just need to be patient. After a few classes, it was lunch time. I grabbed Red's hand and dragged her with me to the cafeteria. I can see she wasn't too happy to be there.

Chloe: Find us a spot, and I'll come back with food for both of us.


Red pov:

Chloe insisted on me eating. I'm so used to not eating for days at a time that it feels weird to be able to eat every day. I felt overwhelmed trying to find a spot, so I headed outside and sat under a tree. I felt so tired that I started to drift off to sleep, but I suddenly jolted up when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Chloe: woah there, it's just me.

Red: Sorry Chloe, I get startled easily when I sleep.

I can see her scanning my face. I feel like she's trying to save every piece of info I tell her.

Chloe: I brought you today a sandwich.

She sits beside me, taking a bite out of hers. I held the sandwich. Why does she care so much that I eat? Ever since I told her, she's been getting me to eat every day. I'm not completely complaining since I have been enjoying the food and have felt more energetic. But I do have a feeling she's doing something similar with every problem I tell her. 

Red: Can I ask you something personal?

She looks up, a bit surprised.

Chloe: For sure... what is it?

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