Chapter 2

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I woke up with a gasp. 

The dreams have been getting worse and worse. There was only one person I could think that would know what I'm going through. Annabeth. But I couldn't go to her. She already had problems of her own. Not to mention she has been distant lately. 

I was so worried about her that I went to Piper to see if she knew anything. Her and Annabeth had been getting really close since their quest so I figured that she, of all people, would know something. All Piper said was that Annabeth was having a hard time, and that I needed to give her some space and let her deal with it herself.

But what about me. What about what I needed? I'm not as strong as her, as much as I hated admitting it. I couldn't do this alone. I needed her. I missed her.

I rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thud. I was was not a morning person and the nightmares only made the mornings worse. I didn't want to get up but I promised to meet the rest of the seven, and Nico, for breakfast. Why did I do that again? 

With a sigh of defeat, I got out of bed and slowly crawled to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror my eyes widened.

 I looked awful. I had bags under my eyes and I looked like I hadn't eaten in a week. These nightmares were really taking a lot out of me. I gave up on the shower and just settled on just getting dressed. When I got back to my bunk, Annabeth was sitting there.

I ran to give her a hug but she jerked away. "What's wrong wise girl? Are you okay?"

"No," she whispered so quietly that I almost didn't hear her. "I can't do it anymore Percy! I can't lie to you!"

I was starting to get a really bad feeling. "Annabeth?"

"I-I...Its the nightmares. And you- you remind me to much of that place. I-" At this point she was sobbing. I couldn't comfort her. I was to scared to do anything.

"I'm sorry Seaweed Brain...I just can't be with you anymore. Every time I touch you...every time I kiss you. It feels like I'm back at that place. I just can't." With that, she ran right out my cabin.

That's when my brain kicked in.

"Annabeth wait," I said grabbing her arm. "We can work through this! What about New Rome? What about our life together? What about me?  We can work through this together. We have to."

"No!" she screamed. "Percy you don't understand! You make this worse. You're the problem!"

I stumbled back as if I had been punched. I was hurting her. It was me. I just stared as she walked out on me. I sunk to the floor and stared at the spot that she disappeared. I feel my heart start to shatter. It feel like my heart was being ripped out. It was a physical pain. I almost couldn't stand it. I just sat there on the floor until the tears stopped.

I stood up. Gods damn her! I screamed and punched the nearest thing to me. It was a picture of me and Annabeth when we were 12. I looked at the blood on my knuckles.  

I fell to my knees as I looked at the glass shards on the floor. I screamed as I flung my arms down, ignoring the pain of the glass digging into my arms and the blood now dripping onto the floor. I laid my head against my forearm as I sobbed. 

As I took a few moments to calm down, I drug my feet underneath me and sat on the heels of my feet. My eyes widened as I noticed a piece of glass that had lodged itself in my arm when I had laid on the floor.

I reached and pulled the glass out that was near my wrist. Not realizing what I had done, I began panicking as blood began pouring out of my arm.

Before I had a chance to react or try to heal myself, black dots began filling my vision. The last thing I saw was a very considered looking Nico followed by Will.

I wrote part of these a while ago and never got around to finishing this chapter but here you go.

This is for you Solangelo_Is_Life

*Edited January 7, 2018*

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