Chapter 11

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I looked back to the man in front of me as I realized everyone was still staring at us.

"I think I need to teach you a lesson in manners little boy," the brute said.

I took a step forward the same time he did but before anything was started  voice called out, "Not in here Red! You know the rules!" 

My eyes flickered over to the man I had first seen behind the bar. He was still calmly standing behind it has if one of his patrons didn't just threaten another half his size.

"Whatever K. But next time this runt decides to open his smartass mouth, I won't hesitate to shove his tongue down his own throat. Rules be damned," Red said. 

With that he stormed out of the bar. I let go a sigh of relieve I didn't know I was holding in. Just because I can fight doesn't mean I wanted to. I wasn't scared because of his size but I had no idea if he had some hidden power or not.

I continued to observe the crowd. Most of them went back to whatever they were doing before I interrupted there evening. A few glances lingered on me as I heard myself as most of the subject of topic. My eyes continued to look at each of them until they fell back to the man beside me, the one who had been kind to me.

I observed him for the first time. He had grey, ashen colored skin, with silvery hair and matching eyes. He was probably 5'11. Other than the color of his skin, he looked almost human. He was wearing black pants and no shirt. Now that I am really looking at him, he seems younger than I originally thought.

"My name is Zen," he said, holding out his hand.

I shook his hand and stayed silent for a moment.

"You can call me...Perseus," I said with hesitation. I decided to use my real name. I will honour my mother, she gave me my name. Or maybe I gave out that name because I was still hoping to get my happy ending.

"That is an old name," Zen said. He paused and tilted his head. 

I dropped his hand, I instantly took a step back from Zen, whose eyes had been glowing gold. He looked up at me in great shock. He glanced around, my eyes following. No one was even looking in our direction anymore.

"I'm sorry," he said." He took a deep breath. "You-your human." He said that last part in a quite tone, his eyes scanning me to see if he could get another glance at my face.

"Yes," I said, in a worried tone."I am, and if you tell anymore here I will kill you."

Zen still looked at me wide-eyed. "It can't be possible, though. Humans are extinct."

Word Count: 550ish

AND I AM BACK BITCHES. I know, I know, I am a horrible author. But hey, I am here now. Please continue reading my stories, you know you love me. My marching season is over so I have slightly more free time but I am in a lot of clubs so I still have a lot of shit to do. You know the routine, I'll update when I can, I don't promise to update unless I am positive I can. I really like this one but I am still thinking about where to take it. I am not sure if this is even going to be a Chaos story. Comment your thoughts please. I know this chapter is short but at least it is something. I am also looking for some amazing Solangelo stories to read so if you got one comment or message me. (Preferably no AUs unless they are die for amazing.)

Vote. Comment. Share.

*January 7, 2018*

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