Chapter Ten: 1 AM Ghost Adventures

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As the clock struck midnight, Karasuno's volleyball team slowly drifted into slumber, the lively atmosphere of the night giving way to a peaceful stillness. The living room had transformed into a cozy nest, with nearly all twelve members cuddled together on couches, the floor, and even a few sprawled across the scattered blankets. Kageyama found himself wedged between Tsukishima and Hinata, the warmth of his teammates comforting him in a way he had never expected.

But just as the world outside began to quiet, a sudden rumble of thunder echoed through the night. It was barely one in the morning when the calm was shattered.

"G-Ghost!" Hinata screamed, his voice piercing through the serenity as he shot up from his spot, wide-eyed and panicked.

"What?!" Tanaka yelped, startled from his sleep. The rest of the team began to stir, confusion mixing with fear.

"Did you hear that?" Hinata exclaimed, shaking Yamaguchi's shoulder. "There's definitely a ghost!"

"Calm down, Hinata," Yamaguchi said, rubbing his eyes and feeling the adrenaline kick in. "It's probably just thunder."

"Thunder? That's not scary! Ghosts are scary!" Hinata insisted, looking around as if the ghost might materialize right in front of them.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smirk. "Well, if there's a ghost, I'm sure it'll be scared of your screaming."

With the team now fully awake and buzzing with energy, the prospect of ghost hunting took hold. "Let's go find it!" Yamaguchi said, his voice trembling slightly, but excitement flickered in his eyes.

"Do you have a plan?" Suga asked, trying to maintain some level of rationality.

"Let's split up!" Hinata declared. "The ghosts won't know what hit them!"

"I'm in a team full of idiots," Tsukishima muttered to himself 

Before Kageyama could protest, the group began to disperse. Hinata and Yamaguchi headed towards the kitchen, while Tanaka and Nishinoya ventured off towards the hallway. Kageyama and Tsukishima found themselves reluctantly paired up, trailing behind.

"Great. Just great," Tsukishima grumbled. "Why do I have to be stuck with you?"

"Better me than Hinata, I guess," Kageyama muttered, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling growing in his stomach. But before they could venture too far, a loud crash echoed from the garage.

"What was that?!" Kageyama asked, heart racing.

"It's the ghost!" Hinata shouted, peering around a corner.

"Let's check it out," Tsukishima said, clearly more interested in teasing Kageyama than anything else.

As they approached the garage, the door creaked open, and the pair stepped inside, only to have the door swing shut behind them. "What the—"

"Ugh, great," Kageyama said, panic rising as he pulled on the door handle. "It won't open!"

"We're locked in?!" Tsukishima laughed, but the amusement quickly faded as another boom of thunder rolled through the night, echoing loudly in the enclosed space.

Kageyama flinched, his heart racing. "I-I don't like this," he stammered, feeling the walls close in around him. The rumbling outside seemed louder in the garage, each crack of thunder sounding more ominous than the last.

"Seriously? You're scared of thunder?" Tsukishima teased, but his voice held a hint of concern as he glanced at Kageyama, whose face had paled.

"It's not just the thunder," Kageyama replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just... don't like being trapped."

Tsukishima's teasing demeanor faltered as he noticed Kageyama's distress. "Okay, okay. It's just a storm. We'll get out of here," he said, trying to keep his tone steady. "Look, it's just a garage. Ghosts don't even exist."

Kageyama nodded, gripping the edge of a workbench. "Yeah, right. Just a garage." But with each clap of thunder, his breath hitched, and the comforting rationality started to slip away.

"Hey," Tsukishima said, stepping closer. "Look at me. You're not alone in here, alright? It's just a storm. We'll be fine."

Kageyama forced himself to breathe steadily, trying to focus on Tsukishima's steady gaze. "I-I know. I just..."

"Just what?" Tsukishima pressed gently, his teasing tone replaced with genuine concern.

"I don't want to be the weak link," Kageyama admitted, voice trembling slightly. "I don't want to be scared."

Tsukishima softened a little. "Look, everyone has their fears. You're not weak because of this. Just... breathe, okay?"

They stood in silence for a moment, Kageyama focusing on the sound of Tsukishima's voice. Just then, they heard the faint sound of their teammates calling out for them. "Kageyama! Tsukishima! Where are you?"

"Here!" Kageyama yelled, but his voice trembled as the thunder roared once more, drowning out his shout.

"Keep shouting!" Tsukishima said, and they both began to call for help.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kinnoshita and Narita arrived at the garage door. "Are you two in there?" Kinnoshita asked, concern etched across his face.

"Yeah! We're locked in!" Kageyama shouted, relief washing over him at the sound of their voices.

With a few rattles, the door swung open, and fresh air flooded in. Kageyama rushed out, almost tripping over his own feet as he stumbled into the hallway. Tsukishima followed closely behind, both of them relieved to be free.

"Did you find the ghost?" Narita asked, trying to suppress a grin.

"No, just a trapped Kageyama," Tsukishima retorted, nudging Kageyama playfully. But his smile faded as he saw Kageyama still looking a bit shaken.

"Hey, you alright?" Kinnoshita asked, putting a reassuring hand on Kageyama's shoulder.

"Yeah," Kageyama said, still catching his breath. "Just... not a fan of being locked up."

"Next time, maybe don't go into dark, creepy places," Narita lightly suggested

Kageyama managed a small smile, feeling the warmth of friendship wrap around him once more. "Yeah, I'll remember that."

As they returned to the living room, the ghost-hunting antics resumed, but now with a more careful approach. Kageyama felt the bond between them grow even stronger, a reminder that no matter how chaotic the night turned, he was never truly alone.


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