Chapter Fourteen: Somewhat Lost

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The vibrant colors and sounds of the amusement park enveloped Karasuno's volleyball team as they stepped off the train. Laughter, screams, and the sweet scent of cotton candy filled the air, energizing everyone. Kageyama felt a rush of excitement, his heart racing as he took in the sights.

"Look at that roller coaster!" Hinata shouted, pointing toward the massive structure that twisted and turned in the sky. "We have to ride it first!"

"Are you sure you fit the height requirements for it." Tsukishima teased

"I DO"

"If you say so,"

"Where did the others go?" Yamaguchi asked

"I don't know but we'll be fine," Tsukishima said

As they made their way into the park, the group quickly split up. Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Hinata ventured toward the roller coasters while the other members explored elsewhere. The first years were too excited to worry about losing the rest of the team.

"Let's go!" Kageyama shouted, his competitive spirit ignited. They dashed toward the line for the roller coaster, adrenaline pumping through their veins.

An hour later, after riding several exhilarating attractions, the four of them found themselves at the base of a towering ferris wheel. Giggling and breathless, they finally paused to catch their breath.

"That was amazing!" Kageyama said, a wide grin on his face. "I can't believe how fast that coaster went!"

"Right? It was awesome!" Hinata agreed, practically vibrating with energy. "I want to go again!"

Just then, Tsukishima pulled out his phone. "I just got a call from Daichi. They want us to meet them at—" He glanced at the screen. "—a restaurant called 'The Hungry Bear' for lunch."

"Sounds good to me!" Yamaguchi said, rubbing his stomach. "I'm starving!"

As they made their way toward the restaurant, Kageyama couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over him. He was surrounded by friends, all enjoying the day without the pressures of practice or competition.

When they finally reached the restaurant, the rest of the team was already seated, chatting and sharing stories from their morning adventures. The table was filled with plates of burgers, fries, and colorful drinks.

"Hey, nice to see that you're all alive!" Suga greeted them, waving them over. "We were just talking about how you all fucking left us and didn't think to call!"

"More like you all left us behind!" Hinata shot back playfully.

Daichi chuckled. "Well, we were worried we'd lose you first years. But it looks like you had a great time!"

They settled in at the table, laughter bubbling up as everyone shared their favorite moments from the day so far. Kageyama felt a warmth in his chest as he looked around, feeling a strong sense of camaraderie.

"Okay, who's ready for round two after lunch?" Tanaka asked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Bring it on!" Hinata shouted, his energy infectious.

As they dug into their meals, Kageyama felt an overwhelming sense of belonging. This wasn't just a day off; it was a chance to make memories, and he was grateful to be part of this team. With full stomachs and bright smiles, they were all ready for whatever adventures awaited them in the amusement park.


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