Chapter Fifteen: Lost and Found

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The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the amusement park. Karasuno's volleyball team buzzed with excitement as they navigated through the throngs of park-goers, laughter ringing out like music. Kageyama had been looking forward to this day for weeks, eager to escape the confines of the gym and enjoy time with his friends.

"Let's go on that roller coaster!" Hinata shouted, his voice bursting with energy as he pointed to the towering structure nearby.

"Fine, but I'm not going on any of the spinning ones!" Kageyama replied, his competitive spirit ignited as he pushed through the crowd, following his teammates. The thrill of the rides and the vibrant atmosphere filled him with adrenaline, a stark contrast to the pressure of practice.

After a few exhilarating rides, Kageyama felt his heart racing. He decided to take a quick break, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the crowds and noise. Seeking solace, he wandered toward a quieter area, finding a cluster of trees that offered some shade. He leaned against a sturdy trunk, taking a deep breath as he watched families and friends enjoy themselves.

Time slipped by, and Kageyama became lost in thought. When he finally glanced around, he realized his teammates had moved on without him. Panic surged through him as he scanned the area, his stomach twisting into knots. "Did they really not notice I'm gone?" he thought, the feeling of isolation washing over him. Memories of being overlooked in junior high resurfaced, the sting of abandonment making it hard to breathe.

As the panic intensified, Kageyama slid down to sit on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as the familiar voice of self-doubt crept in. "They won't come back for me," he whispered to himself, the isolation closing in like a dark cloud.

Just then, Tsukishima passed by, his sharp eyes catching Kageyama's hunched figure. Concerned, he approached slowly. "King?" he called, his usual sarcasm replaced by genuine worry.

Kageyama looked up, startled. "I... I'm fine," he stammered, but his voice trembled, betraying him.

Tsukishima frowned, noticing the fear that flickered in Kageyama's eyes. "You don't look fine. What happened?"

"I thought they wouldn't notice I was gone," Kageyama admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I thought... they'd just leave me."

Tsukishima knelt beside him, his heart aching at the sight of Kageyama so vulnerable. "Hey, listen to me," he said firmly, yet softly. "They care about you. I care about you. You're not alone, okay?"

Kageyama shook his head, the panic overwhelming him. Tsukishima reached out, wrapping his arms around Kageyama in a comforting hug. "Just breathe with me," he instructed, guiding Kageyama to take slow, deep breaths. The warmth of Tsukishima's presence started to ground him, pulling him back from the edge.

"Why do I feel this way?" Kageyama murmured, feeling embarrassed and exposed. "It's stupid..."

"Nothing stupid about it," Tsukishima replied gently. "We all have our moments. You're not defined by what you feel in those moments."

After a few minutes, Kageyama's breathing steadied, though he felt a lingering heaviness in his chest. "I'm... I'm sorry," he mumbled, still feeling the sting of shame.

"Nothing to apologize for," Tsukishima said, pulling back slightly to look into Kageyama's eyes. "Now, let's get you something sweet to cheer you up."

Kageyama nodded, grateful for Tsukishima's support. As they stood, Tsukishima linked his arm with Kageyama's, a silent promise of companionship. Together, they walked toward a nearby stand selling treats. "How about some cotton candy?" Tsukishima suggested, smirking a little. "It's basically sugar on a stick."

Kageyama managed a small smile, feeling the warmth of Tsukishima's camaraderie. "That sounds good."

Once they had the fluffy treat in hand, Tsukishima pulled out his phone. "I'm calling Daichi," he said. "They need to know you're okay."

As Tsukishima dialed, Kageyama took a bite of the cotton candy, savoring the sweetness. Just as he started to relax, Daichi, along with the rest of the team, appeared, concern etched across their faces.

"Kageyama!" Daichi exclaimed, rushing over. "We were looking everywhere for you!"

"I... I got lost," Kageyama admitted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief.

"We would never abandon you!" Hinata said, his voice filled with earnestness. "You're too important to us!"

Yamaguchi nodded vigorously. "Yeah! We're a team, remember? We stick together!"

Kageyama felt the warmth of their presence envelop him. "I'm sorry for worrying you," he said, his voice small but sincere.

Tsukishima squeezed his arm, a silent show of support. "You don't have to apologize. Just remember we're here for you," he added, looking Kageyama in the eye, assuring him with a steadiness that eased Kageyama's heart.

As they all gathered around, Kageyama felt lighter. Their laughter filled the air as they shared stories, their camaraderie becoming a balm for the earlier anxiety. With Tsukishima by his side and his friends surrounding him, Kageyama realized he truly was never alone. They were his team, his family, and together, they could face anything—even the shadows of doubt that sometimes threatened to pull him under.

"Let's go ride something crazy!" Hinata shouted, his energy infectious, breaking the moment of seriousness.

Kageyama chuckled, feeling a renewed sense of belonging. "Yeah, let's go!" he replied, his voice stronger now, ready to dive back into the fun of the day. With a heart full of gratitude and hope, he stepped forward, ready for whatever adventure awaited them next.


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