Chapter Four: Truths, Dares, and Laughs

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The elevator settled into an unsettling stillness, the abrupt shaking replaced by an eerie quiet. Kageyama's heart was still racing, his breathing coming in short bursts as he tried to regain his composure. Tsukishima's grip on his shoulder provided an unexpected sense of stability, even if the blond's sarcasm was enough to make Kageyama want to punch him.

"Are you going to stop shaking anytime soon?" Tsukishima asked, arching an eyebrow, his voice laced with mock concern.

"Shut up," Kageyama replied, shooting him a glare.

Just then, the elevator lurched again, and Kageyama leaned against Tsukishima, instinctively clutching his arm. "Ugh, seriously?" Kageyama muttered, frustration bubbling up. "This can't keep happening."

"Welcome to my world," Tsukishima said, rolling his eyes. "Now you know how it feels to be trapped with your worst enemy."

Kageyama scoffed. "You're not my worst enemy. You're just annoying."

"Right, and you're just a glorified setter with a superiority complex," Tsukishima shot back, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.

As the banter continued, Kageyama felt a strange sense of camaraderie growing, even amidst the chaos. "Look," Kageyama said, glancing sideways at Tsukishima, "if we survive this, I'll admit you're not completely insufferable."

Tsukishima turned to him, his expression shifting slightly. "That's almost touching," he said, his voice low enough that only Kageyama could hear. "But I'm not holding my breath."

"Good," Kageyama replied, smirking. "Because I don't think you'd survive the wait."

Their banter was interrupted by Hinata's excited voice. "Hey! What if we played a game to distract ourselves? Should we try truth or dare again?"

"Are you serious?" Tsukishima groaned.

"Why not?" Hinata replied, beaming. "It'll be fun!"

"Fun? This isn't a field trip!" Tsukishima protested.

"Come on, it'll help us relax!" Daichi added, trying to keep the mood light. "What do you say, everyone?"

Asahi nodded. "I think it's a good idea. I mean, we're all stuck here anyway."

"Alright, I'm in," Suga said, smiling. "It might take our minds off things."

Yamaguchi looked a bit nervous but eventually chimed in, "I guess I could try it too."

"Fine, but I'm not doing anything ridiculous," Tsukishima huffed, but Kageyama could see a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Okay! I'll go first!" Hinata declared, bouncing on his heels. "Kageyama, truth or dare?"

Kageyama hesitated, glancing around at their eager faces. "Uh, truth."

Hinata's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Who is your favorite person on Karasuno?"

"Suga-Senpai," Kageyama said quietly

"Who!?" Tanaka screamed

"He said Suga" said Daichi

"Awwwww, thanks Kageyama" Suga said

"What about meeeeeeeeee?" Noya whined

"He didn't pick me either bro," said Tanaka

The group erupted in laughter, and even Tsukishima couldn't suppress a smirk. "I'm not even surprised," he muttered.

"Okay, my turn!" Kageyama said, feeling a bit more relaxed. "Hinata, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Hinata exclaimed, determination shining in his eyes.

"I dare you to do your best impression of our coach's motivational speeches," Kageyama said, barely holding back a grin.

Hinata sprang into action, dramatically mimicking Daichi's voice. "You guys! You can't just give up! Push yourselves! Believe in each other!" He exaggerated every gesture, and the laughter from the group intensified.

As the game continued, they all took turns sharing embarrassing truths and silly dares, but they kept it appropriate for the confined space. Yamaguchi dared Asahi to make the best scary face he could, and Asahi responded with an exaggerated grimace that had everyone in stitches.

When it was Tsukishima's turn, he looked around and sighed. "Fine, Kageyama. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Kageyama replied, trying to sound brave.

"I dare you to admit that you're actually scared right now," Tsukishima shot back, smirking.

"Ugh, fine! I'm scared!" Kageyama said, rolling his eyes, though he felt a mix of embarrassment and relief. The laughter from the team made him feel lighter, even in the tension of the moment.

"See? Not so tough now, are you?" Tsukishima taunted.

"Shut up!" Kageyama shot back, but he was laughing too.

As the minutes passed, the atmosphere shifted from tense to relaxed, the fear of being trapped slowly fading into the background. Kageyama glanced at Tsukishima, who was rolling his eyes but still participating, and he couldn't help but feel that this awkward situation was forging a new connection among them all—one built on laughter, shared stories, and a surprising sense of camaraderie.

Eventually, Hinata declared, "Okay, my turn! Kageyama, truth or dare again?"

"Ugh, fine! Truth!" Kageyama replied, knowing he was getting into deep waters.

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of Tsukishima?" Hinata asked, grinning like a mischievous cat.

Kageyama felt his face heat up, his mind racing. "Uh... well, there was that time I—"

Just as he started to speak, the elevator lurched again, and the whole team braced themselves. Kageyama instinctively grabbed Tsukishima's arm again, his heart racing.

"Seriously?" Tsukishima groaned, but Kageyama noticed he didn't pull away this time.

"Relax, we're fine!" Kageyama tried to sound more confident than he felt.

As they settled back down, Suga suggested they keep playing until they were rescued. "It'll keep the mood light," he said, and Kageyama found himself nodding along.

"Okay, let's do it!" Hinata cheered.

As the game continued, laughter and playful teasing filled the air, slowly easing the tension of being trapped. Kageyama glanced at Tsukishima, who was rolling his eyes but still participating, and he felt a sense of victory in their playful exchange.


Elevator Escapade: TsukikageWhere stories live. Discover now