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*one year later.*

Noami's POV

"Stop with yo bread head." I said to KD.

He was sitting up throwing water on me as we waited for Diamond to get off.

He came over to see Kalen for a little minute and he had just got through feeding him.

"Why are you washing your hands anyway?" I asked.

"I had sh*t all over it." he said.


Just then Diamond walked in and he walked out.

"How was he?" she asked.

"He was actually alright, not bad but alright. He's trying." I said.

"Yeah, trying once every three months." she said taking off her shoes.

"But he's trying Diamond."

"I don't even know why he took me to court if he's still being the same idiot." she said.

"I don't know, he's kinda cool. You know without all the sexual comments and stuff."

"Noami, snap out of it." Diamond said snapping her fingers in my face.

"Haha, I'm just saying." I said bring down her hand.

"I know he's cool and funny. That's what made me fall in love with him but what made me fall out of love with him, is that he's not taking care of his child." she said.

"I'm just saying. I'm the one who has to watch him, I matter as well start getting to know him. Besides, I'm surprised Tray hasn't even called or texted." I said holding up my phone.

She took it out my hand.

"Actually over thirteen times and you have five missed calls for him." she said looking at my phone.

"Damn, he gone kill my axs." I said running out her house and into mine.

Anyway, KD took Diamond to court over Kalen because she wanted to move to Michigan with her auntie. But her mom, wants her to stay down here. Now he gets to see Kalen two days out of a week at Diamond's house. But as the KD he is, he comes when he wants and I have to watch over him when Diamond goes to work.

I ran upstairs into the room and the shower was running. I looked by the bed and it was Tray's sneakers. I tiptoed in the bathroom and he was facing the other way so I took his towel and his clothes and hid them. Then I stood by the door with my hand on the knob so I can run when he tries to catch me.

"NOOOOOAMI!" he yelled.

I put my hand over my mouth so he wouldn't hear me laugh. He came out and I scooted behind the dresser a little more.

"I know yo axs in here." he said.

He looked under the bed and then in the closet. Then he went back into the bathroom. I started to walk to the bathroom door but as soon as I walked from behind the dresser he ran from the closet and picked me up.

"Put me down with yo dirty axs." I said.

"I just got out the shower." he said.

"So, yo axs still dirty. And why are you wearing my robe?" I asked.

"Because someone took my clothes and hid them. But if you want me to take it off I will." he said walking me up against the wall

"Whatever floats yo boat. But I do have to wash that before I wear it again and you're stretching it." I said.

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