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Faith's POV

I woke up with no Scrappy next to me and naked. My first time was last night, and it hurt like hell. It'll be awhile before it happens again.

I texted Scrappy, to see where he was and he ain't texted me back. I just went and took a shower and changed my sheets. I went to the kitchen and fixed me something to eat. Then the doorbell rung. I went to open it and Scrappy and he had flowers.

"Hola, smexy." he said kissing my cheek.

"Haha, hola."

He came in and sat at the kitchen table.

"Where did you go this morning?" I asked.

"I just went out." he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just paranoid." I said

"About what?" he asked.

"When my best friend lost her virginity, her boyfriend started cheating on her. And my other friend got pregnant when she was 16 and her baby daddy is a whore and isn't raising his child." I said.

"Well, my not them." he said.

"Now, she ran away because she found out he got another girl pregnant." I said.

"Damn, that some fcked up sh*t." he said.

"Right, I just wish she'll come back or at least tell us where she is." I said.

"All, sweetie." he said comforting me.

Diamond's POV

I woke to a loud axs bang. I went in hoping that it was Noami but it was KD with Kalen.

"What's up?" I asked

"I wanna try." he said

He looked like he was trying to cook breakfast and fed it to him.

"Well, first he doesn't eat eggs." I said taking him.

"Haha, then what does he eat?" he asked.

"Bacon. Its in the fridge." I said.

I put Kalen down and he went to play with his toys. Then I went to cooking the bacon and KD just sat on the couch. After I finish, I fed Kalen and KD ate too.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

"Your door wasn't locked." he answered

"Oh, damn."

"I really came by to talk about how to be a parent because you're doing a damn great job. And at least try to be apart of his life." he said.

"Well, thank you but first you just have to be there. Can you at least do that?" I asked

"Haha, yeah." he said.

I got Kalen dressed and we went out to the park, his favorite place in the world.

"You basically came at the easiest time." I said as we was sitting on the bench.

"What you mean?" he asked.

"He's two, he can tell you what he wants now. And he don't have to cry all the time to get your attention." I explain.

"Haha, most have been hard huh?" he asked.

"It was but I got through it with the help of my dad and Noami."

"I'm sorry about Noami. And about your mom." he said.

"Yeah, me too."

"You still like me, don't you?" he asked laughing.

"KD, you're 20 and still use words like that?" I asked.

"Haha, whatever. Just answer the question."

"Let's just say, I'm trying to get over you." I stated.

"That's what's up."

"What if we get back together but for real this time have more kids and get married?" he asked.

"Haha, I'm not having anymore kids until I am married. And let's be for real, I don't think we'll ever get back together." I said.

"Yeah. I kinda have something to tell you tho." he said.

"What's up?"

"I kinda have a girlfriend. And it's pretty serious. So, that thing that happened between us was..........

"A mistake." I said cutting him off.

"Something, we've been wanting to do since Kalen." he said.

"No, I don't think so." I said.

"Diamond, there's been multiple times were we've could've fcked. And times we've been wanting to."

"Fck it KD, I don't care anymore. This is why we can't be together and will never be together. Because, you always fck around then come up with a lame axs excuse or play it off. That's another reason I'm moving to really get the fck away from you. I've always love you and always wanted to be with you, even though you treat me and your child like sh*t. I'm done, fck you." I said getting up and grabbing Kalen.

We left and went back to the house. I went inside and put Kalen down for is nap. When I came back there was a knock at the door and I was hoping it wasn't KD. I opened it and it was Dee, Nate friend. He was visiting Nate for the summer.

"Hey, I didn't know you was here?" I said.

"Yeah, I came in yesterday between all that Noami is missing stuff." he said.

"She ran away." I said.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just put Kalen down for his nap." I said.

"And who is Kalen?"

"My son." I said.

"I didn't know you had a son."

"Well, yeah. You gone run now or something?" I asked.

"No, I'm just surprised. You don't look like the baby momma type or the type to get pregnant."

"Or the type to have sex?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that's what I meant." he causing us to laugh.

"Well, I did and now I'm paying for it." I said.

"So, what about your boyfriend?" he asked.

"Don't have one of those. And haven't since Kalen was born." I said.

"Awe, I thought.........

"Look, just because I had a baby don't mean I have to be with the baby daddy. He's a whore and was a whore when we were together." I said.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offended you."

"Why are you even here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you. I haven't since Orlando. And I was feeling you a little bit." he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, and trust me sex wasn't in my mind." he stated.

"Well, thanks for telling me that." I said laughing

"You welcome."

Maybe this was a sign that moving on from KD wouldn't be so hard.

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