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Noami's POV

"Happy One Year to my baby boy!" I yelled waking him up.

Tray picked him up and spun him around.

"Babe, we have a one year old." I said to Tray.

"We do." he said looking at me.


"You called me babe."


"Haven't called me that or anything like that since the funeral."

"Ummm, I should get going if I'm going to help with everything." I said.

"Okay, we'll be out buying things." he said.

"But not a lot of things, he's just one." I stated.

"Okay okay."

I left and went to my moms house. We decide to have his birthday party in Louisiana at my moms.

Disney World can happen when he's two. On my way to my moms, my favorite sing came on.

just meet me halfway and i'll be here to stay just meet me halfway, girl we can do this thing for the longest i'll be loving on you for the longest you'll loving on me for the longest, girl just meet me halfway and i'll be here to stay

I sang all the way til I pulled up in the driveway. I got out and went inside.

"Anybody home?" I asked.

"I'm here." my mom said coming downstairs.

"Hey, did you get the decorations?" I asked

"How about a 'hey mom, how was your day?'" she stated.

"Haha, there's no time for that. I need to make sure everything's done."

"Okay, calm down. Everything is fine. Nathan and Nate are out getting the snacks and we'll be going to get the cake for we decorate the backyard." she said pulling me to the back.

We decorated the backyard and then went to grabbed the cake.

"So, what's up with you and Tray?" my mom asked.

"What you mean?"

"I've notice how distanced you've been with him and that every time he'll touch you, you'll make a face. Is it because of Destiny?" she asked.

"No. Yes. Maybe. Its just that, I can't get over the fact that we fought over him. She tried to get to him, couldn't, and then we had a huge fight."

"Noami, you can't let that get to you. That's not the reason for her death."

"Yeah, but that's part of it, momma."

"No, you're making it part of it, Noami."


"Haven't talked to Faith or Terrance either huh?" she asked.

"What's with the questions?" I asked angrily.

"Because, your letting this thing come in between your friendship, relationship, and between you and your brother."

"This thing? Mom, I killed someone! I'm the reason she killed herself and now she's dead. She left this world all because of me and my words. Which, wouldn't came out if she wouldn't have tried to have sex with him."

"Baby girl, you have to get that out your head. Because its not true." she said hugging me.

"Easy for you to say, you ain't kill anyone." I said moving her out the way and going inside.

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