Noami's POV
*three months later*
I've gotten up and did my daily routine then went to work. When I got in the kids and I started dancing. Few minutes later Stacy came in and took over and I went to my office and organized and filed things.
It was around my time to leave out so I grabbed my things and left out. When I walked back in the studio section the kids were still there.
"What's going on? Why are the kids still here?" I asked Stacy.
When I asked her she turned on the radio and the kids started dancing to the song was Justin Bieber 'Boyfriend'. When the song was over they held up some signs.
After I officially read it like a million times, Ja'Von walked in with a shopping bag, pizza box, and a big bouquet of roses.
"Noami, these three months we spend together was amazing. Now I'm ready to make this official, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.
"Haha, yes I'll be your girlfriend." I said blushing and laughing.
The kids cheered and he gave me the roses and spun me around. Then Kadejah came up and hugged us. After the great experience the kids went home and Ja'Von walked me to my car.
"This was amazing." I said.
"Well, you know. I do what I do." he said popping his collar.
"I guess but what did you get me?" I asked looking in the bag.
"Something for our date tonight." he said.
"Sorry, but Destiny gotta work tonight." I stated.
"And? Little Tyrone coming too because he gave me permission to date his mama." he said.
"Haha, well that's good. What time to be ready?"
"Ummm well, how about you call me and tell me when y'all both are ready." he said.
"Alright, that sounds good." I said.
He opened my door and I got in, then he closed it.
"See you later girlfriend."
"Haha, see you later boyfriend."
He stepped back and I drove off. I arrived at the house and went inside with the biggest smile upon my face.
"Destinnnnnnny." I sang.
"Wassup?" she said walking into the kitchen with Tyrone.
"Guess what." I said
"What girl?" she asked.
"I got a BOYFRIEND!" I yelled.
"Shut the fck up."
"I will because me and Tyrone gotta get dress for our date with my new boyfriend." I said grabbing him.
"When did he ask you?"
"Well, I was at work and when I was about to leave the kids were still there. I was kinda confused but then Stacy turned on the radio and 'Boyfriend' by JB came on and then after the dance they held up signs saying 'WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?' then Ja'Von walked in with a shopping bag, flowers and pizza. See?" I said opening the pizza box and showing her.
"Well, I know he's glad that you're his girlfriend and wants y'all to eat this pizza together tonight at y'all slumber party." she said reading the box.

Still My Thug
RomanceNoami and Tray are back and they're lives are even more crazier than before. Keep reading to see where they are now. the sequel of My First Thug, suggest you read that before this one.