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Trayvon's POV

I tossed and turned all night. I just turned down Noami! Noami Nicole Parker! The love of my life, the girl I STILL wanna marry. I just couldn't do it.

It was around three and I heard the door open. I rolled over and it was Noami. She climbed in the bed and I scooted over. Her cuddling with Tyrone is so cute. And how she can't sleep without him.

This is not working for me. So, I got up and went to CJ's. When I pulled up, I grabbed the emergency key from under the mat and walked in. Then my axs went to the kitchen.

"Boy, what the fck!" CJ said coming down with his gun in his hand.

"What? I was hungry."

"What the fck you doing here?"

"Man, I turned down Noami." I said.

"What you mean 'turned down'?" he asked.

"I guess, she wanted sex from me and I just walked out the room."

"Bruh, what the hell! Have you seen that axs lately!" he said.

"Hey now, that's my baby momma."

"I know but that axs! Why would you turn her down? Especially, after you talk about her and talk about fcken the sh*t out of her."

"I know! But I know if we would've had sex she probably would've came up with an excuse of how she didn't mean for it to go down like it did or how she's sorry. Plus, she's probably just having problems with her boyfriend and just wanna have sex." I explained.


"I know but I love that girl. You should just see how she cares so much for Tyrone. She can't sleep without him."

"Wow." CJ said.

"You're not interested."

"I mean I am. But, I'm also tired because it's about four in the morning."

"Sorry. Just needed someone to talk to."

"You sound like a female. But I understand bro, you got love for the girl. But honestly I don't think y'all should move to fast anyway. Start as friends, then build y'all way up. Not just as friends but as parents too." CJ said.

"Now who's the one axting like a female? But you're right but right now I really regret turning her down."

"Hell, I would be too." he said going upstairs.

He came back down and threw blankets at me. I got up on the couch and went back to sleep.

Noami's POV

When Tray left out the bed. I was wondering the whole night was it because of me. He probably doesn't want to be around me anymore. I started packing my suitcase and I told Nate I was coming to mom's house.

I grabbed Tyrone and went downstairs to the kitchen. Few minutes later, I heard someone come through the door. Then Tray came around the corner.

"Good morning." he said.

"Good morning." I said back dryly.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I was just going to go by my mom. Instead of staying around here and it be awkward." I said putting Tyrone in his walker.

"Awkward? Why would it be awkward?" he asked.

"Last night. When that awkwardly moment happen and when I came into the room, you left out." I stated.

"Noami, I didn't leave because of you. I left because, sex with you at the moment would just not be right."

"Yeah, I know. I was just caught in the moment."

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