Chap 13 : Date 2

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Miss movin' on -Fifth Harmony -

Sydney's P.O.V.

I have decided to tell Brawdon about the you know whom. After a few second I begin to sense where we're going. THE BEACH. It has been an eternity before I went to the beach. Since the you know whom left I never went to the beach again. Now we are going to the beach. It's a strange coincidence but it explains why we need bathing suite.

"We're going to the beach! " I said as a statement with excitement.

" Yes. Who did you know? "

"The road you silly. I knew because of the road you took it headed toward the beach. "

"You're very smart Sydney. " I laughed at his comment.

" Thank you."

I kept watching the sky. The weather is perfect it's hot but not too hut cold but not too cold. I am not making any sense now am I.

" We're here." Brawdon said and went to my dore and opened it for me. Such a gentleman.

" Look I took a smal cabinet. I am going to lead you there and you can change your clothes. You can wear your bathing suite and on top of it the other clothes that I told you to bring. Bby the way did you bring them?"

" Yes I did. I fought that I'll need them so I brought them."

The cabin that he took was very simple but beautiful. Their is a small kitchen. Their is a fire place in the middle of the living room with sofa and armchair and a big TV above it. It is very comfy and cozy.

" Were is the changing room?"

"In the hallway left door."

" Thank you. "And I went directly to the room I changed quickly and went outside and saw Brawdon dress in a red short shirtless. You can clearly see is abs, his V line. OMG his body is very sexy. Oh stupid hormones. Stupid hormones.

" Liking the vue?" He asked and I blushed. " You look cute when you blush. " I blushed harder even if that is possible.

"Come on." Brawdon took my hand and lead us outside where I found on the beach a romantic dinner but I don't think it's a dinner 'coz we already at it.

" How did you know that I love the beach?"

" The little bird told me. You know what us it told me?"

" What? " I asked.

" It told me that you love to watch the sunset on the beach and that's why we're here. "

I was extremely happy. Steph told him that I love this much so without thinking I ran to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him tight.

" This date is perfect. "I whisper in his ear.

" Nothing is too much for you." He whispered back. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

" Let's go." He said.

He pulled out a big napkin and we laid down on it next to each other. And that's when I grabbed my courage and said.

"You asked me the first time we played 20 questions why I don't believe in love and I didn't reply. Well I am going to tell you now."

"If you're not comfortable you can tell me later."

"No. I want to tell you now 'cause I trust you. I didn't believe in love because of ...."

Brawdon's P.O.V.

"... Ray." What? I am the reason that she didn't believe in love? Well I am the reason but she doesn't now that and I am planning on keeping it that way. Still how come? I am the reason she doesn't believe in love. I kept repeating this sentence in my mind. I am the reason in addition to that I came back to fix things and ended up doing the same thing. Maybe if I tell Sydney my secret she'll understand and forgive me. But I don't think so. My secret is very big and I don't think she'll forgive me so I'll continue with plan -b-.

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