Chap 19 : Almost

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Sydney's P.O.V

"Is everything okay? " I asked Brawdon.

" Yes. Should we start?"

We were searching for the scrip on Romeo and Juliette.

" I've found it."

" Is it good? "

" Yes."he replied. " Plus their is and explanation so it will make our work easier. "He continued

" That's cool." I replied.

We started playing our roles. It was pretty good for a start but the script itself was pretty confusing. I wasn't paying attention verg much when suddenly I saw that this is the part were Romeo kisses Juliette. The room became so silent that if you dropped a pin you'd hear the sound of it.

Brawdon was very close. I could feel his breath on my face and I'm pretty sure he can feel mine too. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid it'll explose. One more millimetre and he lips were going to be in mine. He was leaning closer and closer and ...

(I was going to stop to leave the suspence but I thought that you woulnd'nt like it so here we go. PS maybe it is too cliche for you but hope you like it)

When he was about to kiss me the door flew open. OMG I can't believe it. We were about to kiss each other and their has to be something to ruin it. Can my luck get any worse?

"I guess we were having too much fun in here." Guess who said that phrase ad is actually sanding out of my room and that "who" is the one who opened the door. I won't keep you waiting any longer it's my mother. Great. My mom was about to witness me and Brawdon kissing if she opened the door one second later and now she interrupted us kissing and is embarrassing me more and more and i have a feeling that things are going to get more awkward. Great i Guess my luck can get any worse

"Mom please." I pleaded her. I don't want anymore embarrassing situation today. I had plenty.

"I was just saying." She raised her hand up to hear head trying to look innocent.

" So what made you come here?" I asked.

" I was going to ask if you want to help me woth the cupcakes? "

" You are going to make cupcakes? "She nodded. " What do you think Brawdon ?"

Brawdon's P.O.V.

Making cupcakes with Sydney. Of course I am going to say yes. It's like old times I remember before...

-- Flashback --

We were playing catch with Sydney in her house's garden. We were about 5 years old as I remebered. Sydney was wearing her dress as usall: it was a white dress with drawings of Minnie. It was very cute and on her it was cuter she wore it with a red headband with a bow on it. I always found her beautiful even when she was younger she was more and more adorable. When we were young Sydney always wears dresses: with flowers, with dots, simple... She was amazingly beautiful. And I wore jeans a different colours of shirts one time red, blue, green ... That time i was wearing a red shirt. We were matching colours. We didn't make it on purpose. Can you believe it. Then her mother came out.

"Hey kids."

"Hey mami." She replied.


"Hi Brawdon how are you."

"I'm fine Sydney's mom thank you."

" You can call me Amy you know." (I can't remember her name so in ase it was anything else I am calling her Amy)

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