1.5k readers.

81 3 2

Heyy guys. It's me again. I know I promised not to add any author notes again but I had to thank you again 'cause I have reached my goal for now of 1.5k readers. Thank you so for reading my book supporting my late updates my awful grammar and non existing edits and some of you thought that the story line is terrible but you still gave it a chance and I promise that the rest of the series it's going to be especially the sequel. Because I am very happy I decided to do something you can go to my Instagram account (P.S- it's another username with another content) it's fashion.melody and you can ask any question you want about the Sequel it's all open if you don't want to comment you can just DM (direct message me) your question and I'll be happy to answer it. Again thank you very much.
Instagram fashion.melody

Next Goal 3k readers and 1k votes😊😊😊

Love you guys a lot❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗

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