Chap 22 : Problem

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Question : What do you think about my book so far ??
And do you think Sydney will find out about Brawdon and Cynthia? If she does what will her reaction be?

Dedicated to joellebg


Sydney's P.O.V.

Brawdon said that and he left. A little part if me wanted to believe him but the rational part said he was lying and didn't believe him. I was still debating which part to believe when my phone rang. It was Stephanie ' s number. I hadn't had the chance to ask whay was going on when she cut me off saying:

"Sydney we have a problem. "

-End of flashback

"What what happened?" I asked her. I never heard Steph talking this way.

"I'll explain everything to you. Stay at your house I'm on my way." She didn't bother waiting for my answer she hung up.

Minutes passed and I was pacing in my room waiting for Steph to come back. Suddenly, she opened out so violently that I was afraid it will crack any second.

"Care to explain what is this 'problem'"

"Okay if I'm gonna do this right we'll have to sit down. This will take long."

We sat on my bed as I waited for her to start telling her story.

"So when you called me I was on my way to Cynthia's house. I think she kissed Brawdon on purpose. You know Cynthia and I are on good terms but you two on the contrary are like enemy and I know it's not your fault it's hers. We don't know why she hate you so much but she does. So as i was saying i wanted to get answers from her and if she continue like this she can forget about us being friends...

Stephanie's P.O.V.

-Flashback -

"I knocked on Cynthia's door. She lives alone 'cause her parents are always on business, travelling around the country so they don't spend time in their house. It's sad so I come often here to make her feel less lonely.

Her maid opened the door and I entered. I know where her room is so I went there. I knocked on her door and I entered after she said 'come in '.

" Steph what a pleasure surprise to see you here. "She said in an innocent voice.

" Oh cut the act Cynthia I know that you're the one who put the note in Sydney's locker and made her watch you kissing Brawdon on purpose. " I said . I was starting to get angry.

" Me?! How can you accuse me of such things. "She was clearly faking innocence. In her eyes there is an evil glint like she is proud of what she had done.

I gave her there- is-no-point-in-lying-I'm-not-buying-it

"Fine! Yes I did it on purpose! I told I am going to ruin her. You can work with us if you want to. "

" I have said no before and I'm still gonna say no."

Then I realised something.

"Wait I minutes. Who is us? Their is another one working with you on this? Who is he/she?"

" Oups! I've said too much bye Stephanie. See you arround. And tell Sydney to pay attention 'cause sometimes the eye is too blind to see what's happening in front of it."

Then I left angrily thinking of what this phrase means.

--End of Flashback --

Sydney's P.O.V.

" Sometimes the eye is too blind to see what is happening in front of it. " I repeated. Things can't get any stranger.

" Have you any idea what it means? " I asked Steph

"No but I think we have to be careful. Cynthia has planned something. Something big. Something terrible. Plus their is an us. So someone else is helping her." Steph replied.

" There is someone else helping her? OMG. Can this get more confusing than it already is?!"

" I know so we have to be more careful then ever. I know that it's high school and that we dramatising things but I have a feeling that what's coming is awfully terrible. "

" For now let's focus on the project. And we'll figure this out later."

" So you really want us to switch partners? "Steph asked.

" Yes I wasn't joking. "

" Okay so I'll take your project and you'll take mine or you want to do your project with my partner and I'll do the same ?"

" I'll do your project and you'll do mine. Anything for not doing Romeo and Juliette. "

" We're back to the starting point I see." Steph sight.

" Steph you saw what happened. Every time I try and change the way I feel things fall down again and I'm sick of it."

"I know that but don't you think that it's a bit irrational to close your heart every time something go wrong. Relationship are hard Sydney. It were never easy and they'll never be. You have to understand that. For Ray I know that you loved him very much but give Brawdon another chance. I think after you heard what I told that it's Cynthia's fault not Brawdon's. "

" You really think that I'm being irrational? "

" Yes I do. "

" Maybe I'll give him another chance. " I said with an evil glint in my eyes.

" You'll make him do the impossible for it aren't you?"

" You know me too well. Hey in my defence he has to work very hard to earn another chance. "

" Sometimes you scare me. "

" Hey I am a good person but when it comes to love or romance I am more exigent. " I said in a defensive mode.

" Don't go all defensive on me young lady. "

She said standing up ready to leave.

"Okay mom bye."

"Bye Syd. Take care." Steph said closing the door behind her.
I slept right away after she left.

What do you think about it? How do you like my book so far?



With love.

Twice Broken ✔ #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now