Chap 16 : Busted!!!

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Sydney's P.O.V.

Monday came quicker then i thought. I was exited and frightened if my mother would embarrass me in front of Brawdon. After thinking a lot about this dream yesterday I decided to make it like it didn't happen like i never dreamed this dream.

I woke up, did my morning routine in the bathroom and dressed in some comfortable jeans and a v-line white shirt with pink converse. I applied some eye liner and simple lip gloss. I left my blond hair naturally waved and I looked at myself in the mirror. Cute. My outfit is simple yet effective.

Then I went to the kitchen were i was greeted by my mom.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hey mom." I replied with a playful tone.

"Well someone is happy today."

"I am." I smiled wildly.

"I am not."

"Why?" I have no idea why mom isn't happy. That's unusual.

"Because a certain someone forgot to tell me about her/his date for 2 days. Can you believe it?" I have a feeling that i now that someone.

"Mom. Sorry but i have been cut up with something that's why I haven't told you yet beside yesterday Steph was home and I was talking to her about everything. "

"So Steph knows and i don't. I am your mother, i was carrying you for 9 month. Steph didn't carry you for 9 month. I did." I rolled my eyes at her. I can't believe her. She is always like that.

"Don't be so over dramatic mom. I will tell you but not today 'cause Brawdon is coming to our house."

"What?!! He is coming to our house." She was jumping up and down in the kitchen.

"Mom stop jumping but since you're all jazzed up I think that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay honey. I want to meat your boyfriend." She did that stuff with her eyebrows .

"Mom." I kind of begged. "Please do not embarrass me in front of Brawdon. BTW do we still have that movie about Romeo and Juliette."

"Of course. You know i love this movie"

"Ya ya i know. Love is bla bla and bla."

"You know one day your gonna change those fought of you about love. And I'll be here waiting for you and then i'll tell you I told you so."

"Hey i think that day will never come unless it's in your dreams ."

"Yeah but let me tell you this dream will be reality in no time. I can guarantee you that. "

"Mom i love this chat and all but i am gonna be late at school."

"Fine fine but you are not going to bed tonight before I know the hole story plus that something that you are trying to hide or to act like it didn't happen."

Wait what did she just talked about? How did she find out that i have something to hide, no, not to hide but to act like it didn't happen.

I think i said my thoughts out loud 'cause my mom heard them and replied.

"I am your mother their is nothing you can hide from me. I know you and i can read you too. You are at open book to me. I can read everything especially from your eyes. You're eyes can betray you. You can mask your feelings from your face but definitely not from your eyes." Now that makes no sense but she is my mother so she probably knows it all.

"Okay i'll tell you everything. Can i go now at school. Wow i never fought the day would come and i will ask my mother if i can go to school."

"Yeah yeah i understand that it's every child dream but you're going to school. Bye."

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